Greetings All,
I'm a digital artist from "Arid-zona", with a degree in Vizz FX & Motion Graphics... doing product design for now. The necessary foundation of my creative work is a fairly beefy workstation.
My tool of choice would be a HP Z8 box, sporting Tesla-boosted Quadros, NVMe storage, 128GB RAM, & 36 CPU cores;
But my tool of necessity is a homebuilt GTX, 64GB, 16-core wannabe... ;-)
Actually I'm really grateful to the gaming industry for the wealth of reasonably-priced, high-performing, off-the-shelf computer parts and YouTube reviewers - making it oh-so-easy to spec & build my own fairly decent machine wa-a-ay cheaper than the beefee big-boy toy I hope to be able to afford one day... Considering the complication of the underlying technologies, it's amazing how a box of components just "slapped together" can work in such synergy!
Because I'm the content creator as well as the IT department, I get to keep three Windows 7 machines & a Mac "stumbling" along. And they do occasionally stumble, so I'm really excited to join this community. I've really gained a huge respect for the talented people who design/manufacture the HW/SW technologies, as well as those who troubleshoot em. I've come to see that they are not always the same people...
I'm a digital artist from "Arid-zona", with a degree in Vizz FX & Motion Graphics... doing product design for now. The necessary foundation of my creative work is a fairly beefy workstation.
My tool of choice would be a HP Z8 box, sporting Tesla-boosted Quadros, NVMe storage, 128GB RAM, & 36 CPU cores;
But my tool of necessity is a homebuilt GTX, 64GB, 16-core wannabe... ;-)
Actually I'm really grateful to the gaming industry for the wealth of reasonably-priced, high-performing, off-the-shelf computer parts and YouTube reviewers - making it oh-so-easy to spec & build my own fairly decent machine wa-a-ay cheaper than the beefee big-boy toy I hope to be able to afford one day... Considering the complication of the underlying technologies, it's amazing how a box of components just "slapped together" can work in such synergy!
Because I'm the content creator as well as the IT department, I get to keep three Windows 7 machines & a Mac "stumbling" along. And they do occasionally stumble, so I'm really excited to join this community. I've really gained a huge respect for the talented people who design/manufacture the HW/SW technologies, as well as those who troubleshoot em. I've come to see that they are not always the same people...