Facebook recently said that the final Timeline push is coming, and every user will be forced to switch by fall. Of course, this isn’t the first time that Facebook has said the end was near for old profile holdouts. The first time we heard talk of mandatory Timeline for all users was
all the way back in January. At that time, Facebook told users that they had about two weeks to get everything in order before their Timeline went live.
But, as we now know, Facebook didn’t push Timeline to everyone.
Just last week, however, Facebook said that the recent upgrades to the photo section inside Timelines was
the beginning of the end for old profile users. This fall is the time, they said, and all users that have yet to switch would eventually be greeted with a message when they log in telling them that they must make the switch.
Now, is the push already happening?
Some users are saying that they just woke up with Timeline (and they’re not happy, although their happiness is of no consequence).