Greetings and Salutations from the "Great White North"

nd yes we still have snow
Please keep it up there! ;) We already had record amounts of snow here in Eastern Nebraska this last season and are suffering from record flooding now.

Haworth Park flooding

This park is a 5 minute walk from my house. Yes, it is next to the Missouri River, but this park is still several feet above flood stage.

Anyway, welcome to Sysnative, Jim!
Looks like a great place to get answers.
It is! It's also a great place to share what you have already learned!
Welcome to Sysnative Forums!

We were at 83F in SW New Jersey a few days ago.

We only got 3 or 4" of snow this past winter.

One year ~2010 - nearly 8 Feet!
Welcome to Sysnative! You will always have a warm welcome here!

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