Get A Five Second Window To Take Back An Embarrassing Facebook Post


Emeritus, Contributor
Apr 2, 2012
We’ve all done it at some point in our lives; whether it was in a fit of rage, the throws of passionate heartbreak, or just being plain intoxication, we’ve all at some point in our lives posted something on Facebook only to regret it later. It’s the same with emails, tweets, and text messages and there are very few services that offer us a way to take it back, or re-think our decision. Gmail is great in that it has a delayed sending feature you can enable which waits a minute before sending the email even after you’ve hit the Send button. Facebook, the nucleus of our social life could do with something similar and Facebook Undo does exactly that. It’s a Chrome extension that works in the background and gives you a five second countdown to reconsider posting an update after you’ve hit the Post button.

Facebook Undo will modify the Facebook UI after you click ‘Post’. Other than that, there will be no changed made to Chrome’s interface or to Facebook. Install the extension, go to Facebook, and compose an inappropriate post. Click ‘Post’ and the button will change to read ‘Undo’ with a timer that counts down from 5 seconds. Click the button before the timer runs out and the post will be aborted.
Get A Five Second Window To Take Back An Embarrassing Facebook Post

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