Yesterday the notorious Russian leaker WZOR
confirmed that he also has both x86 and x64 versions of Windows 8 Enterprise RTM and that they would be leaked to the web, with the "Pro" versions "to be released soon" as well, both x86 and x64 of that edition would also be offered.
These leaks are different in that they aren't "N" editions that have Media Player stripped out, and are supposedly "untouched" (bootable) images from Microsoft. The previous Enterprise "N" leak wasn't bootable and had a key embedded into the installer by the leaker.
Canouna of WinUnleaked also went as far as to confirming the news
just over an hour ago on Twitter.
This follows yesterdays news of the
Windows Server 2012 leak, and Thursdays news of
Windows 8 Enterprise "N" being made available just some 24 hours after Microsoft handed over the bits to OEMs.