Emeritus, Contributor
- Apr 2, 2012
- 7,197
Microsoft says that Windows 8 is the most secure operating system ever, but the first critical security flaw has already been discovered.
Passcape Software developers have discovered that Windows 8 stores user accounts passwords in plain text whenever the user switches to a picture password or a PIN.
As you may know in case you’re a Windows 8 early adopter, the new operating system comes with two new authentication options, allowing users to log in via a picture password or a secure PIN.
“The matter is that these two authentication methods are based on a regular user account. In other words, the user must first have created an account with a regular password and then optionally switch to PIN or picture password authentication. Notably that the original plain-text (!) password to the account also remains in the system,” Passcape wrote in a blog post.
Passwords could, of course, be decrypted and Passcape says that some software solutions especially created in this regard have already been developed.