Fed up with Computer problems...!


BSOD Kernel Dump Senior Analyst
Jun 21, 2012
Lincoln (UK)
Well after replacing my old tower with a new base unit after encountering problems with the motherboard I thought my troubles were behind me, unfortunately on the 24th of last month - after 2 weeks of running, the new base unit went down - I tested the unit with memtest86 and one of the memory banks has gone down. With the unit under warranty I contacted the supplier of the machine and I returned the base unit a couple of days later on the 28th (due to bank holidays) under the company's RMA conditions. At the mo I am still sat twiddling my thumbs awaiting the return of the machine. Things are frustrating with somewhat limited access on my wife's laptop which is also shared with my daughter.

I hope to be back with you again soon and back to learning about BSOD's again - I just thought I would let you know that I have not given up here!

Cheers - Steve

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