On Windows 7 SP1 64bit
I was having trouble all week installing updates on my computer and installing RSAT. I ran a check for Malware tool and removed some files. I was finally able to install RSAT and run most of my updates(though I dont believe it was the result of running the Malware detector) but when I tried to enable it in the Turn Windows Features On or Off window I get a blank window. I have run the Windows Update Readiness tool and it did not fix it. My CheckSur.log has the following failure:
Checking Component Store
(f) CSI Corrupt Identity 0xC0000161 (not UTF8) 浡㙤弴業牣獯景ⷴ楷摮睯渮瑡癈ⵥ桷瑩扥硯椭癳㏟戱㍦㔸愖㍤㐶㍥徴⸶⸱㘷ㄳㄮ㔷㐱湟湯彥㜴㜷㍥收㘰㤴〴挶 Bad identity
(f) CSI Manifest Missing 0x00000002 浡㙤弴業牣獯景ⷴ楷摮睯渮瑡癈ⵥ桷瑩扥硯椭癳㏟戱㍦㔸愖㍤㐶㍥徴⸶⸱㘷ㄳㄮ㔷㐱湟湯彥㜴㜷㍥收㘰㤴〴挶.manifest 浡㙤弴業牣獯景ⷴ楷摮睯渮瑡癈ⵥ桷瑩扥硯椭癳㏟戱㍦㔸愖㍤㐶㍥徴⸶⸱㘷ㄳㄮ㔷㐱湟湯彥㜴㜷㍥收㘰㤴〴挶
(f) CSI Corrupt Identity 0xC0000161 (not UTF8) 浡㙤弴業牣獯景ⷕ楷摮睯琮浥瓗汩瑩汹扩慲楲獥㍜戱㍦㔸愵㍤㐶㍥張⸶⸱㘷ㄮ㔷㐱湟湯彥㜴换搵㜴㘰挴㍥㥤 Bad identity
(f) CSI Manifest Missing 0x00000002 浡㙤弴業牣獯景ⷕ楷摮睯琮浥瓗汩瑩汹扩慲楲獥㍜戱㍦㔸愵㍤㐶㍥張⸶⸱㘷ㄮ㔷㐱湟湯彥㜴换搵㜴㘰挴㍥㥤.manifest 浡㙤弴業牣獯景ⷕ楷摮睯琮浥瓗汩瑩汹扩慲楲獥㍜戱㍦㔸愵㍤㐶㍥張⸶⸱㘷ㄮ㔷㐱湟湯彥㜴换搵㜴㘰挴㍥㥤
I dont know where to go from here.
I have attached the SFCFix log as well as my CBS folder. Though the CAB files are too big to upload - let me know if you need them.
I was having trouble all week installing updates on my computer and installing RSAT. I ran a check for Malware tool and removed some files. I was finally able to install RSAT and run most of my updates(though I dont believe it was the result of running the Malware detector) but when I tried to enable it in the Turn Windows Features On or Off window I get a blank window. I have run the Windows Update Readiness tool and it did not fix it. My CheckSur.log has the following failure:
Checking Component Store
(f) CSI Corrupt Identity 0xC0000161 (not UTF8) 浡㙤弴業牣獯景ⷴ楷摮睯渮瑡癈ⵥ桷瑩扥硯椭癳㏟戱㍦㔸愖㍤㐶㍥徴⸶⸱㘷ㄳㄮ㔷㐱湟湯彥㜴㜷㍥收㘰㤴〴挶 Bad identity
(f) CSI Manifest Missing 0x00000002 浡㙤弴業牣獯景ⷴ楷摮睯渮瑡癈ⵥ桷瑩扥硯椭癳㏟戱㍦㔸愖㍤㐶㍥徴⸶⸱㘷ㄳㄮ㔷㐱湟湯彥㜴㜷㍥收㘰㤴〴挶.manifest 浡㙤弴業牣獯景ⷴ楷摮睯渮瑡癈ⵥ桷瑩扥硯椭癳㏟戱㍦㔸愖㍤㐶㍥徴⸶⸱㘷ㄳㄮ㔷㐱湟湯彥㜴㜷㍥收㘰㤴〴挶
(f) CSI Corrupt Identity 0xC0000161 (not UTF8) 浡㙤弴業牣獯景ⷕ楷摮睯琮浥瓗汩瑩汹扩慲楲獥㍜戱㍦㔸愵㍤㐶㍥張⸶⸱㘷ㄮ㔷㐱湟湯彥㜴换搵㜴㘰挴㍥㥤 Bad identity
(f) CSI Manifest Missing 0x00000002 浡㙤弴業牣獯景ⷕ楷摮睯琮浥瓗汩瑩汹扩慲楲獥㍜戱㍦㔸愵㍤㐶㍥張⸶⸱㘷ㄮ㔷㐱湟湯彥㜴换搵㜴㘰挴㍥㥤.manifest 浡㙤弴業牣獯景ⷕ楷摮睯琮浥瓗汩瑩汹扩慲楲獥㍜戱㍦㔸愵㍤㐶㍥張⸶⸱㘷ㄮ㔷㐱湟湯彥㜴换搵㜴㘰挴㍥㥤
I dont know where to go from here.
I have attached the SFCFix log as well as my CBS folder. Though the CAB files are too big to upload - let me know if you need them.