Farewell Chrome OS? Google is reportedly planning to merge it with Android


Contributor, Sysnative Staff Emeritus
Mar 27, 2012
With Windows 8, Microsoft famously began to consolidate its mobile and desktop OSes. A new report suggests that Google may soon follow suit.
The company has reportedly been working on making a convergence of Chrome OS and Android a reality for the past 2 years, despite denying the same in early 2013. Google has, however, made certain inroads in the direction already, bringing a selection of Android apps to Chrome OS and the promise of a more expansive list to follow. With this merger, though, an Android-Chrome powered PC could benefit from the over 1 million apps currently found in the Play Store, significantly strengthening the platform and making it a much more lucrative proposition than Chromebooks in their current state.

Farewell Chrome OS? Google is reportedly planning to merge it with Android

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