It's very peculiar!!
I spent the last week continuing (almost full time) to try every option offered by you and the internet, to no avail. The ports would not connect to the network. Finally, in desperation almost, I brought down & installed a network packet analyser (Wireshark) and ran it. After pondering the results, and not getting fa,r I (for some unknown reason) tried enabling one of the non-working ports, amnd then looked at ipconfig /all and noted that there was an IP address on a port. Surpise, surprise it was working. And so did the others. I have tried rebooting and changing adapters several times and it has held.
'Tis a mystery, as they say! I can only presume that installing Wireshark either overwrote some bit of corrupt software or started a service that I had missed and was stopped (though I have not spotted any such) or...
At the end of the day it is working -- thank you for your ideas -- I just wish I knew why!!
Regards Chris