Facebook is your personal life, and not your professional persona, right? Not even slightly. As businesses develop and evolve the distinctions between what you do on Facebook as an individual, and what you do as a professional in industry are becoming increasingly blurred. This applies to all social networks. If you share it, you'd better be prepared for someone from your workplace to be able to see it.
People say you should never discuss politics or religion with friends if you want to remain friends. The same applies in the world of business. Never, ever mention your political beliefs or if you believe in a celestial teapot. It's just bad practice since you have no idea who will get wind of it. Your customers, your co-workers, or your boss might hear it. They might all hear it, and that's especially bad for you. Facebook publishes posts under your name, and as often as not puts them right at the top of your friends' News Feed.