External hard Drive with file system errors


New member
Nov 22, 2022
i had to shut down my pc in the middle of data transfer to my external hard drive, since then its been running with issues, not reproducing my files or even opening folders, giving me write permission errors, etc. Ive tried cmd chkdsk and sfc. Also some free software but it wasnt helpful. Any tips? Need help!!
Hi . . .

Go to the external HDD manufacturer's site for ideas and any diagnostic apps they may have.

Also, plug the external HDD into a different Windows system (believe it or not -- XP -- if you have one; can borrow one; or take your ext HDD to an XP system and run the following CMD on it -

Bring up an ADMIN CMD/DOS screen (ALL are ADMIN on XP;
Vista+ = press on WIN Key; type CMD; Right-click on CMD;
select "Run as Administrator"; CMD screen will appear; type:

chkdsk * /f /r

* = External HDD Drive, e.g., e:

Hit ENTER; restart the system.

Regards. . .

Unfortunately, the OP hasn't returned since he made that post last November. It might not help him but it might help anyone else with the same problem.

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