This issue it happens after a previous Error Code 80073712 was corrected. There was, after the correction of the previous Error, 89 files to be downloaded and updated. Of all 89 files only 82 were updated and the rest did not. I'm sending you two images, Img_01 reflects the error Code Number, and second picture Img_02 the files that were not able to be updated after they were downloaded. As you could see, the previous there's a very small change from the Code Error 80073712 from the actual one. The last digit, "2", of previous error has been replace by a letter 'B". In a previous message, 'go to Power' requested that I should send him the "Windows Update log" there's is the images.
Those errors, are referring to "Security update for Windows t x64 based Systems. I did try to install each one individually and it did not work. Your assistance on this matter, will be helpful.
There's is a pending file that has also being requested by 'go to Power' unfortunately is very large and its seating in my Dropbox trying to send it to him, but I dont know what is my next step to be able to send it to him. Apologies for my ignorance.