· OS - Windows 10
· x64
· What was original installed OS on system?: Windows
· Is the OS an OEM version or full retail version: Purchased a CD
· Age of system: About 3 years
· Age of OS installation - have you re-installed the OS?: Three times, current one is about a year and a half I think
· CPU: i7 3770k (Not OC)
· Video Card: GTX 680 FTW
· MotherBoard - MSI Z77 Mpower
· Power Supply - Corsair Gold 850W 80+
· System Manufacturer: Myself..
· Exact model number: ?
· Laptop or Desktop?: Desktop
With that out of the way, I keep having crackling audio, it's not my headphones or my sound card, if I restart my PC, it goes away for a while but eventually comes back. So I got some screenshots of DPS tracker and LatencyMon
It's clear that DirectX kernel is the issue but I'm not sure how to fix that since all I can do is wait for a windows update? The database here says so.
· x64
· What was original installed OS on system?: Windows
· Is the OS an OEM version or full retail version: Purchased a CD
· Age of system: About 3 years
· Age of OS installation - have you re-installed the OS?: Three times, current one is about a year and a half I think
· CPU: i7 3770k (Not OC)
· Video Card: GTX 680 FTW
· MotherBoard - MSI Z77 Mpower
· Power Supply - Corsair Gold 850W 80+
· System Manufacturer: Myself..
· Exact model number: ?
· Laptop or Desktop?: Desktop
With that out of the way, I keep having crackling audio, it's not my headphones or my sound card, if I restart my PC, it goes away for a while but eventually comes back. So I got some screenshots of DPS tracker and LatencyMon
It's clear that DirectX kernel is the issue but I'm not sure how to fix that since all I can do is wait for a windows update? The database here says so.