Diaspora, the social network inspired by privacy concerns about Facebook, has some odd news. Its high-minded, idealistic founders have
taken a break from preaching against the dangers of giving personal data away to corporations like Facebook and Google. They're now touting
Makr.io, the meme generator they've been developing during their time at the elite accelerator program Y Combinator.
Diaspora's founders insist that Makr.io is a related product and will not replace Diaspora. "We have launched Makr.io, a sister project to D* that tackles different, but related problems to giving people ownership over their data," the company wrote on its
blog last month for the product's soft launch. "Makr is not replacing D* in any way, and it will complement it even more in the future." The company
says it will continue to work on Diaspora and Makr.io simultaneously.