Determine your Win 8 Edition using PowerShell


Windows Specialist
May 31, 2012
To determine your edition of WIN 8:

Run Powershell as administrator.
type in: Get-WindowsEdition -Online and hit ENTER

You will get bombarded with harmless error msgs.

Here's what I have, after, the error msgs:
Edition : Professional
The errors come because the cmdlet calls DISM internally to get info, and there are permissions errors if you aren't running elevated (and, oddly enough, you'll still see some even if you are). Ultimately, the cmdlet is calling "Dism /online /Get-CurrentEdition".

And there are an entire raft of things one can do with the new dism cmdlets.
C:\Windows\system32 100%>Get-Command -Module dism -CommandType cmdlet | select name, modulename | ft -auto

Name                           ModuleName
----                           ----------
Add-AppxProvisionedPackage     dism
Add-WindowsDriver              dism
Add-WindowsPackage             dism
Clear-WindowsCorruptMountPoint dism
Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature dism
Dismount-WindowsImage          dism
Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature  dism
Get-AppxProvisionedPackage     dism
Get-WindowsDriver              dism
Get-WindowsEdition             dism
Get-WindowsImage               dism
Get-WindowsOptionalFeature     dism
Get-WindowsPackage             dism
Mount-WindowsImage             dism
Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage  dism
Remove-WindowsDriver           dism
Remove-WindowsPackage          dism
Repair-WindowsImage            dism
Save-WindowsImage              dism
Set-WindowsEdition             dism
Set-WindowsProductKey          dism
Use-WindowsUnattend            dism

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