[SOLVED] desktop bsod's and other error messages - Windows 7 x64


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2014
View attachment 10265View attachment perfmonreport.zip

This issue with the desktop exist for a long period of time, I think from april 2014.

I hope I can be helped in this forum.

First it started with bsods, now extra error messages appear , see we transfer for the pictures : http://we.tl/CT2YB5xhay

Now I have next to bsods, also other errors. the error with the black screen is before windows loads. I hit enter, then the same screen appears, After hitting again enter windows is loading.

the other error message came once , whatever I opened, I received that error, after pc has done a disk check, this problem is solved.

But also the disk check somethimes appears and I I don't hit a key, it starts again.

When there were only BSOD's this is what I did:

one bsod said that the wifi stick would be the problem: after updating the drivers, even buying a new stick: still bsods appear, appointing again the stick.

checked the hard disk (app from the maker of the disk): no errors were found.

checked the RAM: no errors were found.

updated BIOS: same problem exist.

I hope someone can help me here.


This indicates that Microsoft Windows or a kernel-mode driver accessed paged memory at DISPATCH_LEVEL or above.

1: kd> kv
Child-SP          RetAddr           : Args to Child                                                           : Call Site
fffff880`01fc6f98 fffff800`02cce169 : 00000000`0000000a 00000000`00000010 00000000`00000002 00000000`00000001 : nt!KeBugCheckEx
fffff880`01fc6fa0 fffff800`02cccde0 : fffffa80`02605060 00000000`00000001 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiBugCheckDispatch+0x69
fffff880`01fc70e0 fffff800`02cf4150 : 00000000`00000000 fffff8a0`18813800 f8a01881`36400400 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiPageFault+0x260 (TrapFrame @ fffff880`01fc70e0)
fffff880`01fc7270 fffff800`02cf290f : fffffa80`014ffeb8 00000000`0000002b fffffa80`00ee9410 00000000`0000002b : nt!MiReplenishPageSlist+0xc0
fffff880`01fc72e0 fffff800`02cfa7db : 00000000`00000000 ffffffff`00000000 ffffffff`ffffffff 00000000`00000056 : nt!MiRemoveAnyPage+0x24f
fffff880`01fc7400 fffff800`02cf708e : fffff980`39bf2000 00000000`03982040 fffff880`00000000 00000000`00001000 : nt!MmCopyToCachedPage+0xa0b
fffff880`01fc75f0 fffff800`02cf7644 : fffffa80`02e813f0 00000000`03982040 fffff880`01fc7730 fffff880`00000000 : nt!CcMapAndCopyInToCache+0x20e
fffff880`01fc76e0 fffff880`012dcd99 : 00000004`027c0000 fffffa80`02ed2a00 fffff880`01fc77d0 fffffa80`02ed2a50 : nt!CcCopyWrite+0x194
fffff880`01fc7770 fffff880`011a2102 : fffffa80`02ed2a50 fffff880`011a54f2 00000000`00010000 00000000`00010001 : Ntfs!NtfsCopyWriteA+0x1e9
fffff880`01fc7970 fffff880`011a58ba : fffff880`01fc7a40 fffffa80`01f065e8 00000000`03980000 00000000`00010000 : fltmgr!FltpPerformFastIoCall+0xf2
fffff880`01fc79d0 fffff880`011c383e : 00000000`00010000 00000000`00000000 fffffa80`02ed2a50 fffff880`01fc7b40 : fltmgr!FltpPassThroughFastIo+0xda
fffff880`01fc7a10 fffff800`02fe340e : fffffa80`02ed2ac4 fffffa80`00000002 fffffa80`015f6450 fffffa80`02ed2ac4 : fltmgr!FltpFastIoWrite+0x1ce
fffff880`01fc7ab0 fffff800`02ccde53 : fffff880`01fc7c01 00000000`00000358 00000000`00000000 00000000`00530f08 : nt!NtWriteFile+0x5ad
fffff880`01fc7bb0 00000000`779d133a : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiSystemServiceCopyEnd+0x13 (TrapFrame @ fffff880`01fc7c20)
00000000`0246c318 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : 0x779d133a

1: kd> .trap fffff880`01fc70e0
NOTE: The trap frame does not contain all registers.
Some register values may be zeroed or incorrect.
rax=ffffffffffffffff rbx=0000000000000000 rcx=0000058000000000
rdx=0000000011810005 rsi=0000000000000000 rdi=0000000000000000
rip=fffff80002cf4150 rsp=fffff88001fc7270 rbp=fffffa8000a01c10
 r8=fffff80002f09500  r9=0000000000000000 r10=fffffa80014ffed8
r11=fffff880009e7180 r12=0000000000000000 r13=0000000000000000
r14=0000000000000000 r15=0000000000000000
iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz na pe nc
fffff800`02cf4150 f00fba6b1000    lock bts dword ptr [rbx+10h],0 ds:00000000`00000010=????????

Lock prefix with a BTS instruction - R/M/W on rbx+10. rbx is null (volatile).

Given the function - MiReplenishPageSlist, this is most likely bad RAM or another hardware issue (perhaps motherboard). What did you test RAM with? If not Memtest, or if not for 8 passes, run again for no less than 8 passes:


Download Memtest86+ here:

Memtest86+ - Advanced Memory Diagnostic Tool

Which should I download?

You can either download the pre-compiled .ISO that you would burn to a CD and then boot from the CD, or you can download the auto-installer for the USB key. What this will do is format your USB drive, make it a bootable device, and then install the necessary files. Both do the same job, it's just up to you which you choose, or which you have available (whether it's CD or USB).

Do note that some older generation motherboards do not support USB-based booting, therefore your only option is CD (or Floppy if you really wanted to).

How Memtest works (you don't need to read, it's only for those interested in the specifics):

Memtest uses algorithms (specifically two), namely moving inversion & what is deemed Modulo-X. Essentially, the first algorithm fills the memory with a pattern. Starting at the low address, it checks to see if the pattern was changed (it should not have been), writes the patterns complement, increments the address, and repeats. Starting at the highest address (as opposed to the lowest), it follows the same checklist.

The reason for the second algorithm is due to a few limitations, with the first being that not all adjacent cells are being tested for interaction due to modern chips being 4 to 16 bits wide regarding data storage. With that said, patterns are used to go ahead and ensure that all adjacent cells have at least been written with all possible one and zero combinations.

The second is that caching, buffering and out of order execution will interfere with the moving inversions algorithm. However, the second algorithm used is not affected by this. For starting offsets of 0-20, the algorithm will write every 20th location with a pattern, write all other locations with the patterns complement, repeat the previous one (or more) times, and then check every 20th location for the previously mentioned pattern.

Now that you know how Memtest actually works, it's important to know that the tests it goes through all mean something different. It goes from Test 0 through Test 12, many of which use either one or the other algorithm discussed above, among many other things.

Any other questions, they can most likely be answered by reading this great guide here:

FAQ : please read before posting
Hi, thanks for the info

There are more BSOD's with other errormessages.

Does this mean that if the errormessage IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL (a) is solved, all bsod's are solved?

So motherboardproblem, I hope not.

I did use memtest+86 for a whole night, but that was a time ago, but now it scanning again: pass 1 has finished.

I wil you keep you informed.
I left the pc on , memest is stil doing the control. It says no :

Core#: 0 (SMP: Disabled)
State: /(= moving cursor) running
Cores: 1 Active / 1 Total (Run: All)

chipset: Unknown
Memory type: Unknown
pass: 9

errors: 0

I have read the memtest FAQ, There is a change that there are no hardware issues , as I understood if memtest would give errors, the cause has still to be looked for which part of the pc is responsible for the BSOD's. and if memtest gives no errors, there is a part of the memory that memtest has no access to, so changes 50/50 that there could be a hardware problem.
Alright well, let's enable Driver Verifier just to be sure before we go further with hardware:

Driver Verifier:

What is Driver Verifier?

Driver Verifier monitors Windows kernel-mode drivers, graphics drivers, and even 3rd party drivers to detect illegal function calls or actions that might corrupt the system. Driver Verifier can subject the Windows drivers to a variety of stresses and tests to find improper behavior.

Essentially, if there's a 3rd party driver believed to be causing the issues at hand, enabling Driver Verifier will help us see which specific driver is causing the problem.

Before enabling Driver Verifier, it is recommended to create a System Restore Point:

Vista - START | type rstrui - create a restore point
Windows 7 - START | type create | select "Create a Restore Point"
Windows 8/8.1 - Restore Point - Create in Windows 8

How to enable Driver Verifier:

Start > type "verifier" without the quotes > Select the following options -

1. Select - "Create custom settings (for code developers)"
2. Select - "Select individual settings from a full list"
3. Check the following boxes -
- Special Pool
- Pool Tracking
- Force IRQL Checking
- Deadlock Detection
- Security Checks (only on Windows 7 & 8/8.1)
- DDI compliance checking (only on Windows 8/8.1)
- Miscellaneous Checks
4. Select - "Select driver names from a list"
5. Click on the "Provider" tab. This will sort all of the drivers by the provider.
6. Check EVERY box that is NOT provided by Microsoft / Microsoft Corporation.
7. Click on Finish.
8. Restart.

Important information regarding Driver Verifier:

- Perhaps the most important which I will now clarify as this has been misunderstood often, enabling Driver Verifier by itself is not! a solution, but instead a diagnostic utility. It will tell us if a driver is causing your issues, but again it will not outright solve your issues.

- If Driver Verifier finds a violation, the system will BSOD. To expand on this a bit more for the interested, specifically what Driver Verifier actually does is it looks for any driver making illegal function calls, causing memory leaks, etc. When and/if this happens, system corruption occurs if allowed to continue. When Driver Verifier is enabled per my instructions above, it is monitoring all 3rd party drivers (as we have it set that way) and when it catches a driver attempting to do this, it will quickly flag that driver as being a troublemaker, and bring down the system safely before any corruption can occur.

- After enabling Driver Verifier and restarting the system, depending on the culprit, if for example the driver is on start-up, you may not be able to get back into normal Windows because Driver Verifier will detect it in violation almost straight away, and as stated above, that will cause / force a BSOD.

If this happens, do not panic, do the following:

- Boot into Safe Mode by repeatedly tapping the F8 key during boot-up.

- Once in Safe Mode - Start > Search > type "cmd" without the quotes.

- To turn off Driver Verifier, type in cmd "verifier /reset" without the quotes.

- Restart and boot into normal Windows.

If your OS became corrupt or you cannot boot into Windows after disabling verifier via Safe Mode:

- Boot into Safe Mode by repeatedly tapping the F8 key during boot-up.

- Once in Safe Mode - Start > type "system restore" without the quotes.

- Choose the restore point you created earlier.

-- Note that Safe Mode for Windows 8/8.1 is a bit different, and you may need to try different methods: 5 Ways to Boot into Safe Mode in Windows 8 & Windows 8.1

How long should I keep Driver Verifier enabled for?

I recommend keeping it enabled for at least 24 hours. If you don't BSOD by then, disable Driver Verifier. I will usually say whether or not I'd like for you to keep it enabled any longer.

My system BSOD'd with Driver Verifier enabled, where can I find the crash dumps?

- If you have the system set to generate Small Memory Dumps, they will be located in %systemroot%\Minidump.

- If you have the system set to generate Kernel Memory Dumps, it will be located in %systemroot% and labeled MEMORY.DMP.

Any other questions can most likely be answered by this article:

Using Driver Verifier to identify issues with Windows drivers for advanced users
Well, I didn't yet stopped memtest, I just left it running, waiting for further steps.

But today, when I went to see how far memtest checked the sytem, 33 passes were ok.

a period later, I don't know if it was half an hour later or an hour or more? I find one of the error message I posted through wetransfer. black screen with text.

So, Does this mean, we don't have to look anymore further in OS or drivers? pff.
Am I stupid or what? Me myself had closed the electricity for a copple minutes (10 min max) to check something.

Ofcourse the pc went off!! But how is it that the pc goes back itself on? hmmm. I thinkg I have to do the test again, and wait what will happen... .
Ok, will do it. When I enable driver verifier, I just let the pc on, and that's it, or do I have to use the pc (maybe play a long youtube video)?
I enabled driver verifier a few hours ago.

I have another problem which I forgot to mention. Lately it's not possible to surf on the internet. Very strange, as wifi is connected, ipadres is ok (ipconfig) and ping to google and yahoo is ok.

windows live mail cannot retrieve emails (no connection), if I open google chrome it says that it can't make a connection with internet , because the pc is not connected with internet. If I try with internet explorer, the windows doesnt load up completely, it shows but without text or the field where the link has to be typed, a few seconds later, the window closes.

Microsoft security essentials has no problem to keep itself updated, as last update is today at 13:37.

What I already tried today: uninstall IE11, after reboot, I see more of IE window. But still not internet (IE keeps searching for internet). Then I disabled the rest of the services (already had minimum services loaded): Microsoft security essentials in startup, and other services (java, .. ) are disabled.

Now I have IE 8 (ie11 is uninstalled ), google page appears, I did a search test , and i can see the results, clicked on it, I now get choose language, when I choose language: ie7 keeps searching....

Windows live mail can't still get emails: 0x800CCC44, after searching this error on my laptop: [TABLE="class: table, width: 744"]
[TD]Unable to load Windows Sockets

Not sure to be honest, we'll take everything one at a time. For that problem there's probably just a corruption from constant bug checks that can be solved with a repair or SFC.
I found the steps how to to a sfc fix with command sfc /scannow.

And here is the log, but I don't know how to fix those entries which are not fixed by sfc.

See attached for the log.


I posted in the forum, but still waiting for the first reaction.

I hope this thread here will not be closed?
It'll take a little bit for there to be a reply. It's one of the busiest parts of the forums in that each fix is created manually for every user.
the corruptions are not solved yet, but 'Go The Power' administrator is still on it.

But not long after I enabled driver verifier I had another BSOD.

I maybe can post about it now?

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