This is continuing same problem by me gyurika, with updates.
Answer to Xer:
Thank you. Squaring with Webroot meant that I called them, and they collected their own logs and concluded that there was no ongoing problem. After that I did not see any more Webroot - not that I mean a lot.
I have those same two corrupt files that sfc bleeds away on.
From the jpg you can see that IaStoreB.sys is there but much less (and IaStoreA.sys gone) since I tries unsuccesfully to uninstall Intel RST so it is disabled but when I tried to delete these store files I could not boot. Ntoskrnl.exe however is everywhere.
Perfmon gets error. I was able to get the first report but cannot save it. The second got and error that something or a dependency was in use. I do not know if this is related but every bootup results in about 10 Perflib errors I could never eliminate.
Answer to Xer:
Thank you. Squaring with Webroot meant that I called them, and they collected their own logs and concluded that there was no ongoing problem. After that I did not see any more Webroot - not that I mean a lot.
I have those same two corrupt files that sfc bleeds away on.
From the jpg you can see that IaStoreB.sys is there but much less (and IaStoreA.sys gone) since I tries unsuccesfully to uninstall Intel RST so it is disabled but when I tried to delete these store files I could not boot. Ntoskrnl.exe however is everywhere.
Perfmon gets error. I was able to get the first report but cannot save it. The second got and error that something or a dependency was in use. I do not know if this is related but every bootup results in about 10 Perflib errors I could never eliminate.