[SOLVED] Configuration registry database corrupt


May 4, 2023
I can't seem to open nvidia control panel and it shows that the configuration registry database is corrupt. I can open nvidia geforce experience tho.

Here's my driver file compressed from C:\Windows\System32\config:

Your DRIVERS hive is fine. Where does it show that the configuration database is corrupt? It would be helpful if you could provide some screenshots of the error along with your System and Application event logs.

Gather Event Log (Application):
  1. Open an elevated command prompt and enter the following command.
  2. wevtutil epl Application %userprofile%\Desktop\application.evtx
  3. Please zip up the log which should be saved to your Desktop and then attach to your next post.

Gather Event Log (System):
  1. Open an elevated command prompt and enter the following command.
  2. wevtutil epl System %userprofile%\Desktop\system.evtx
  3. Please zip up the log which should be saved to your Desktop and then attach to your next post.
Thanks, please follow these instructions to get a ProcMon trace:

Capture Process Monitor Trace
1. Download and run Process Monitor. Leave this running while you perform the next steps.
2. Try opening the control panel just like you have in the past.
3. Stop Process Monitor as soon as it fails. You can simply do this by clicking the square icon on the toolbar as shown below.

4. Select the File menu...Save... and save the file to your desktop. This is likely the default location. The name (unless changed) will be LogFile.PML. This is fine.
5. Zip up and provide the link to the LogFile.PML file as well as your CBS.log Examples of services to upload to are Dropbox or OneDrive or WeTransfer.
Please open an elevated command prompt and enter the following command:

reg add HKCR\AppID\NVIDIA Share.exe

Afterwards, please try and open the Nvidia control panel again with another a ProcMon trace running.
Actually, I realized there's an update from nvidia geforce experience and I uninstalled nvidia control panel then proceed to update. Afterwards I tried to open the nvidia control panel and it asks me to install. And then it works fine.

Thank you for your help

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