Regular readers of this blog would have seen sagas such as
Anatomy of a virus call centre scam,
Scamming the scammers – catching the virus call centre scammers red-handed and my personal favourite,
“Type www.” – “Ok, w-w-w-d-o-t”; antagonising call centre scammers. That’s not an exhaustive list, indeed there are more videos on this blog and yet more phone calls that never made it here.
A few months back there was a bunch of news around
the FTC cracking down on these scams. Problem is, the FTC has about zero jurisdiction in India where the scams are originating from! They also have zero jurisdiction in anywhere that isn’t America so the effectiveness of the “crack down” is unlikely to make much difference. Consequently, it should come as no surprise that once again, this evening I enjoyed the company of a couple of gentlemen willing to help me out with my PC.