// Developed by AceInfinity (c) Tech.Reboot.Pro 2013
// Reversi Game
// The objective of this game is to own more pieces than your opponent by the time the game is finished.
// The game is over when the board is fully filled in, or neither player can make a move.
// Each reversi piece has a red side and a blue side. Player1 will be red, and Player2 will be blue here.
// You must place the piece so that an opponent's piece is sandwiched between 2 of your pieces including the
// piece you just played for that turn. All of the opponent's pieces between that newly placed piece and the
// pre-existing piece of your own, become your own pieces and change to your Player's color.
// You can only place a piece on an empty tile. If you cannot make a legal move, you have to pass your turn,
// and allow your opponent to make a move instead. You can capture vertical, horizontal, and diagonal paths of pieces.
// You can also, capture more than one path of your opponents pieces at once with a good move.
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Reversi
class ReversiBoard : PictureBox
#region // Constructors
public ReversiBoard() : this(new ReversiLayout(8, 8)) { }
public ReversiBoard(ReversiLayout layout)
_layout = layout;
// Default Initialization
_borderColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 50, 50, 50);
_tileColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 25, 25, 25);
_player1Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 25, 25); // Red
_player2Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 25, 150, 255); // Blue
_markers = new ReversiPlayer[_layout.Columns, _layout.Rows];
this.Size = new Size(_layout.Columns * _tileSize, _layout.Rows * _tileSize + _paddingBottom);
_faintCollection.ListChanged += new ListChangedEventHandler((sender, e) => this.Invalidate());
#region // Fields & Properties
private ReversiLayout _layout; // Stores board layout information
private Coordinates _lastCoordinates; // Keeps track of last coordinate for efficient checking
private const int _tileSize = 25; // Constant tile size for game board
private const int _paddingBottom = 15; // Constant for extra information at bottom (score)
private ReversiPlayer[,] _markers; // Player markers for game board
private BindingList<Marker> _faintCollection = new BindingList<Marker>(); // For hover image on valid locations
private ReversiPlayer _currentPlayer = ReversiPlayer.Player1; // Current player to take his/her turn
private Coordinates _targetCoordinates; // Represents the target coordinate for the flips
private int _player1MarkerCount; // Represents the target coordinate for the flips
private int _player2MarkerCount; // Represents the target coordinate for the flips
/// <summary>
/// Game tiles border color.
/// </summary>
private Color _borderColor;
public Color BorderColor
get { return _borderColor; }
set { _borderColor = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Game tiles back color.
/// </summary>
private Color _tileColor;
public Color TileColor
get { return _tileColor; }
set { _tileColor = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Player1's marker color.
/// </summary>
private Color _player1Color;
public Color Player1Color
get { return _player1Color; }
set { _player1Color = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Player2's marker color.
/// </summary>
private Color _player2Color;
public Color Player2Color
get { return _player2Color; }
set { _player2Color = value; }
public bool GameFinished
bool boardComplete = true;
for (int i = 0; i < _layout.Columns; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < _layout.Rows; j++)
if (_markers[i, j] == ReversiPlayer.None)
goto BoardNotComplete;
if (boardComplete)
return true;
// Board was found incomplete so let's check if any moves can still be made
return false;
#region // Overrides
/// <summary>
/// Paints the board visual with all the player markers and current player indicator.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pe">PaintEventArgs.</param>
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pe)
Graphics g = pe.Graphics;
g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
// Paint the grid
SolidBrush sb = new SolidBrush(_borderColor);
Pen p = new Pen(sb);
HatchBrush hb1 = new HatchBrush(HatchStyle.SmallCheckerBoard, _tileColor);
HatchBrush hb2 = new HatchBrush(HatchStyle.SmallCheckerBoard, Color.FromArgb(245, _tileColor));
int x = 0;
bool evenRows = _layout.Rows % 2 == 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _layout.Columns; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < _layout.Rows; j++, x++)
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(i * _tileSize, j * _tileSize, _tileSize, _tileSize);
g.FillRectangle(x % 2 == 0 ? hb1 : hb2, rect);
g.DrawRectangle(p, rect);
if (evenRows)
// Paint Markers
sb.Color = _player1Color;
p.Color = sb.Color;
for (int i = 0; i <= _markers.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
for (int j = 0; j <= _markers.GetUpperBound(1); j++)
if (_markers[i, j] != ReversiPlayer.None)
Color color = _markers[i, j] == ReversiPlayer.Player1 ? _player1Color : _player2Color;
p.Color = color;
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(i * _tileSize + 1, j * _tileSize + 1, _tileSize - 2, _tileSize - 2);
g.DrawEllipse(p, rect);
sb.Color = Color.FromArgb(100, color);
g.FillEllipse(sb, rect);
foreach (Marker m in _faintCollection)
Color color = Color.FromArgb(50, m.Player == ReversiPlayer.Player1 ? _player1Color : _player2Color);
p.Color = color;
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(m.TileCoordinates.X * _tileSize + 1, m.TileCoordinates.Y * _tileSize + 1, _tileSize - 2, _tileSize - 2);
g.DrawEllipse(p, rect);
sb.Color = Color.FromArgb(25, color);
g.FillEllipse(sb, rect);
// Paint current player indicator
using (Font font = new Font("Arial", 7.5f, FontStyle.Regular))
sb.Color = Color.FromArgb(200, 255, 255, 255);
g.DrawString(string.Format("{0}'s Turn", _currentPlayer), font, sb, new PointF(2, 2));
sb.Color = Color.Black;
g.DrawString(string.Format("Player1: {0} | Player2: {1}", _player1MarkerCount, _player2MarkerCount), font, sb, new PointF(2, this.Height - 14));
/// <summary>
/// Makes sure that we cannot resize the board once it has been initialized.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e">EventArgs.</param>
protected override void OnResize(EventArgs e)
this.Size = new Size(_layout.Columns * _tileSize, _layout.Rows * _tileSize + _paddingBottom);
/// <summary>
/// For clicking on the game board and adding a marker to a location on the grid.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e">MouseEventArgs.</param>
protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
// Check release boundaries
Coordinates coordinates = new Coordinates(e.X / _tileSize, e.Y / _tileSize);
if (IsValidLocation(coordinates))
_markers[coordinates.X, coordinates.Y] = _currentPlayer;
if (GameFinished)
/// <summary>
/// Calculates move validity and shows faint marker indicator for valid tiles
/// to place markers on.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e">MouseEventArgs.</param>
protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.None)
Coordinates coordinates = new Coordinates(e.X / _tileSize, e.Y / _tileSize);
if (!_lastCoordinates.Equals(coordinates))
if (IsValidLocation(coordinates))
_faintCollection.Add(new Marker(_currentPlayer, coordinates));
if (_faintCollection.Count > 1)
_lastCoordinates = coordinates;
/// <summary>
/// Gets rid of the faint marker indicator if mouse leaves the control.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e">EventArgs.</param>
protected override void OnMouseLeave(EventArgs e)
#region // Methods
/// <summary>
/// Initialize and start a new game.
/// </summary>
private void NewGame()
for (int i = 0; i <= _markers.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
for (int j = 0; j <= _markers.GetUpperBound(1); j++)
_markers[i, j] = ReversiPlayer.None;
int xPos = _markers.GetUpperBound(0) / 2;
int yPos = _markers.GetUpperBound(1) / 2;
_markers[xPos++, yPos] = ReversiPlayer.Player1;
_markers[xPos, yPos++] = ReversiPlayer.Player2;
_markers[xPos--, yPos] = ReversiPlayer.Player1;
_markers[xPos, yPos] = ReversiPlayer.Player2;
/// <summary>
/// Game was finished: Display winner and reset the game.
/// </summary>
private void GameOver()
string msg = string.Empty;
if (_player1MarkerCount > _player2MarkerCount)
msg = string.Format("Player1 won with {0} markers!", _player1MarkerCount);
msg = string.Format("Player2 won with {0} markers!", _player2MarkerCount);
MessageBox.Show(msg, "Game Over", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk);
/// <summary>
/// Updates the marker count for both players.
/// </summary>
private void UpdateMarkerCount()
_player1MarkerCount = _player2MarkerCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= _markers.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
for (int j = 0; j <= _markers.GetUpperBound(1); j++)
if (_markers[i, j] == ReversiPlayer.Player1)
else if (_markers[i, j] == ReversiPlayer.Player2)
/// <summary>
/// Determining whether a move from the current coordinate in a specific direction is possible.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="coordinates">Current coordinates to check.</param>
/// <param name="direction">Current direction from coordinates to check.</param>
/// <returns>Whether the marker position is a possible move.</returns>
private bool PossibleMove(Coordinates coordinates, ReversiPlayer player, Direction direction)
bool valid = false;
int x = coordinates.X;
int y = coordinates.Y;
switch (direction)
case Direction.Up:
while (y > 0 && !valid)
if (_markers[x, y] == ReversiPlayer.None) { goto FoundEmpty; }
if (_markers[x, y] == _currentPlayer) { valid = true; }
case Direction.Down:
while (y < _markers.GetUpperBound(1) && !valid)
if (_markers[x, y] == ReversiPlayer.None) { goto FoundEmpty; }
if (_markers[x, y] == _currentPlayer) { valid = true; }
case Direction.Left:
while (x > 0 && !valid)
if (_markers[x, y] == ReversiPlayer.None) { goto FoundEmpty; }
if (_markers[x, y] == _currentPlayer) { valid = true; }
case Direction.Right:
while (x < _markers.GetUpperBound(0) && !valid)
if (_markers[x, y] == ReversiPlayer.None) { goto FoundEmpty; }
if (_markers[x, y] == _currentPlayer) { valid = true; }
case Direction.DiagonalRightUp:
while ((x < _markers.GetUpperBound(0) && y > 0) && !valid)
if (_markers[x, y] == ReversiPlayer.None) { goto FoundEmpty; }
if (_markers[x, y] == _currentPlayer) { valid = true; }
case Direction.DiagonalRightDown:
while ((x < _markers.GetUpperBound(0) && y < _markers.GetUpperBound(1)) && !valid)
if (_markers[x, y] == ReversiPlayer.None) { goto FoundEmpty; }
if (_markers[x, y] == _currentPlayer) { valid = true; }
case Direction.DiagonalLeftUp:
while ((x > 0 && y > 0) && !valid)
if (_markers[x, y] == ReversiPlayer.None) { goto FoundEmpty; }
if (_markers[x, y] == _currentPlayer) { valid = true; }
case Direction.DiagonalLeftDown:
while ((x > 0 && y < _markers.GetUpperBound(1) && y > 0) && !valid)
if (_markers[x, y] == ReversiPlayer.None) { goto FoundEmpty; }
if (_markers[x, y] == _currentPlayer) { valid = true; }
if (valid)
_targetCoordinates = new Coordinates(x, y);
return valid;
/// <summary>
/// Checks if current tile is a valid move for the current player.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="coordinates">Coordinates that indicate the current tile.</param>
/// <returns>Valid move or not.</returns>
private bool IsValidLocation(Coordinates coordinates)
if ((coordinates.X >= 0 && coordinates.X <= _markers.GetUpperBound(0)) &&
(coordinates.Y >= 0 && coordinates.Y <= _markers.GetUpperBound(1)))
// Check if marker already exists
if (_markers[coordinates.X, coordinates.Y] != ReversiPlayer.None)
return false;
bool validLocation = false;
ReversiPlayer opponent = _currentPlayer ^ (ReversiPlayer)3;
// Check 3 spots to the right of tile
if (coordinates.X < _markers.GetUpperBound(0))
if (coordinates.Y > 0 && _markers[coordinates.X + 1, coordinates.Y - 1] == opponent)
if (PossibleMove(coordinates, _currentPlayer, Direction.DiagonalRightUp))
validLocation = true;
if (coordinates.Y < _markers.GetUpperBound(1) && _markers[coordinates.X + 1, coordinates.Y + 1] == opponent)
if (PossibleMove(coordinates, _currentPlayer, Direction.DiagonalRightDown))
validLocation = true;
if (_markers[coordinates.X + 1, coordinates.Y] == opponent)
if (PossibleMove(coordinates, _currentPlayer, Direction.Right))
validLocation = true;
if (validLocation)
goto FoundValidMove;
// Check 3 spots to the left of tile
if (coordinates.X > 0)
if (coordinates.Y > 0 && _markers[coordinates.X - 1, coordinates.Y - 1] == opponent)
if (PossibleMove(coordinates, _currentPlayer, Direction.DiagonalLeftUp))
validLocation = true;
if (coordinates.Y < _markers.GetUpperBound(1) && _markers[coordinates.X - 1, coordinates.Y + 1] == opponent)
if (PossibleMove(coordinates, _currentPlayer, Direction.DiagonalLeftDown))
validLocation = true;
if (_markers[coordinates.X - 1, coordinates.Y] == opponent)
if (PossibleMove(coordinates, _currentPlayer, Direction.Left))
validLocation = true;
if (validLocation)
goto FoundValidMove;
// Check 1 spot below the tile
if (coordinates.Y < _markers.GetUpperBound(1))
if (_markers[coordinates.X, coordinates.Y + 1] == opponent)
if (PossibleMove(coordinates, _currentPlayer, Direction.Down))
validLocation = true;
if (validLocation)
goto FoundValidMove;
// Check 1 spot above the tile
if (coordinates.Y > 0)
if (_markers[coordinates.X, coordinates.Y - 1] == opponent)
if (PossibleMove(coordinates, _currentPlayer, Direction.Up))
validLocation = true;
return validLocation;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Flip opponent markers from current move at specified coordinates.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="coordinates">Coordinates of the newly placed marker.</param>
private void FlipOpponentMarkers(Coordinates coordinates)
if (PossibleMove(coordinates, _currentPlayer, Direction.Up))
for (int i = coordinates.Y; i > _targetCoordinates.Y; i--)
_markers[coordinates.X, i] = _currentPlayer;
if (PossibleMove(coordinates, _currentPlayer, Direction.Down))
for (int i = coordinates.Y; i < _targetCoordinates.Y; i++)
_markers[coordinates.X, i] = _currentPlayer;
if (PossibleMove(coordinates, _currentPlayer, Direction.Left))
for (int i = coordinates.X; i > _targetCoordinates.X; i--)
_markers[i, coordinates.Y] = _currentPlayer;
if (PossibleMove(coordinates, _currentPlayer, Direction.Right))
for (int i = coordinates.X; i < _targetCoordinates.X; i++)
_markers[i, coordinates.Y] = _currentPlayer;
if (PossibleMove(coordinates, _currentPlayer, Direction.DiagonalRightUp))
int j = coordinates.Y;
for (int i = coordinates.X; i < _targetCoordinates.X; i++, j--)
_markers[i, j] = _currentPlayer;
if (PossibleMove(coordinates, _currentPlayer, Direction.DiagonalRightDown))
int j = coordinates.Y;
for (int i = coordinates.X; i < _targetCoordinates.X; i++, j++)
_markers[i, j] = _currentPlayer;
if (PossibleMove(coordinates, _currentPlayer, Direction.DiagonalLeftUp))
int j = coordinates.Y;
for (int i = coordinates.X; i > _targetCoordinates.X; i--, j--)
_markers[i, j] = _currentPlayer;
if (PossibleMove(coordinates, _currentPlayer, Direction.DiagonalLeftDown))
int j = coordinates.Y;
for (int i = coordinates.X; i > _targetCoordinates.X; i--, j++)
_markers[i, j] = _currentPlayer;
_currentPlayer ^= (ReversiPlayer)3;
/// <summary>
/// Determines the layout for the game grid/board.
/// </summary>
struct ReversiLayout
public ReversiLayout(int rows, int columns)
this.Rows = rows;
this.Columns = columns;
public readonly int Rows;
public readonly int Columns;
/// <summary>
/// Determines the current player and occupied or vacant tile piece.
/// </summary>
enum ReversiPlayer : short
None = 0,
Player1 = 1,
Player2 = 2
/// <summary>
/// Determines the direction to look in for a valid move.
/// </summary>
enum Direction : short
/// <summary>
/// Stores relative tile coordinates on game board.
/// </summary>
struct Coordinates
public Coordinates(int x, int y)
this.X = x;
this.Y = y;
public readonly int X;
public readonly int Y;
/// <summary>
/// Data for game pieces that are displayed on the board.
/// </summary>
class Marker
// Fields & Properties
public ReversiPlayer Player;
public Coordinates TileCoordinates;
// Constructor
public Marker(ReversiPlayer player, Coordinates location)
this.Player = player;
this.TileCoordinates = location;