Emeritus, Contributor
Can anybody tell me what my code does below? :bored2:
Points of self satisfaction awarded to those who can tell me what it does preferably without debugging. Only thing you can use (and this should be plenty sufficient for trying to provide me with an answer, even if you're not a programmer), would be MSDN documentation:
Search MSDN for the methods i'm using. It's easy enough to do that. You can use the Bing search to search MSDN on that link i've provided :)
If you debug my code to find out what it does, it still takes some ability to read the code to make sure you're using it in the correct way, so i'll still give you credits if you debug it.
Those of you who cheat (because I have posted this in reply to help someone on VBForums), well... You may still come here with the answer, but the self satisfaction may not be present :)
Good luck
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim ListGroups As IEnumerable(Of IGrouping(Of String, ListViewItem)) _
= ListView1.Items.Cast(Of ListViewItem).GroupBy(Function(Obj) Obj.Text)
Dim LVIs As ListViewItem() = (From IG As IGrouping(Of String, ListViewItem) In ListGroups
Let posVal As Integer = ReturnTotal(IG, True)
Let negVal As Integer = ReturnTotal(IG, False)
Select New ListViewItem(New String() {IG.Key, CStr(posVal - negVal), ""})).ToArray
End Sub
Private Function ReturnTotal(IG As IGrouping(Of String, ListViewItem), ReturnPositives As Boolean) As Integer
Dim ItemIsPositive As Func(Of ListViewItem, Boolean) = Function(LVI) LVI.ForeColor = Color.Green
Dim ItemIsNegative As Func(Of ListViewItem, Boolean) = Function(LVI) LVI.ForeColor = Color.Red
Return If(ReturnPositives, IG.Where(ItemIsPositive), IG.Where(ItemIsNegative)).Select(Function(x) Integer.Parse(x.SubItems(1).Text)).Aggregate(Function(a, b) a + b)
End Function
Points of self satisfaction awarded to those who can tell me what it does preferably without debugging. Only thing you can use (and this should be plenty sufficient for trying to provide me with an answer, even if you're not a programmer), would be MSDN documentation:
Search MSDN for the methods i'm using. It's easy enough to do that. You can use the Bing search to search MSDN on that link i've provided :)
If you debug my code to find out what it does, it still takes some ability to read the code to make sure you're using it in the correct way, so i'll still give you credits if you debug it.
Those of you who cheat (because I have posted this in reply to help someone on VBForums), well... You may still come here with the answer, but the self satisfaction may not be present :)
Good luck
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