[NO-PARSE]using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
namespace CS_Console_Test.Classes.Other
class MIDI
#region General MIDI Map
// Credits: people.virginia.edu/~pdr4h/gmPatch.html
// pjb.com.au/muscript/gm.html#cc
// General MIDI Program Numbers 1 - 128
// all channels except 10
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 1 - 8 = PIANO 65 - 72 = REED
// 9 - 16 = CHROMATIC PERCUSSION 73 - 80 = PIPE
// 17 - 24 = ORGAN 81 - 88 = SYNTH LEAD
// 25 - 32 = GUITAR 89 - 96 = SYNTH PAD
// 33 - 40 = BASS 97 - 104 = SYNTH EFFECTS
// 41 - 48 = STRINGS 105 - 112 = ETHNIC
// 49 - 56 = ENSEMBLE 113 - 120 = PERCUSSIVE
// 57 - 64 = BRASS 121 - 128 = SOUND EFFECTS
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 1. Acoustic Grand Piano 44. Contrabass 87. Lead 7 (fifths)
// 2. Bright Acoustic Piano 45. Tremolo Strings 88. Lead 8 (bass + lead
// 3. Electric Grand Piano 46. Pizzicato Strings 89. Pad 1 (new age)
// 4. Honky - tonk Piano 47. Orchestral Harp 90. Pad 2 (warm)
// 5. Electric Piano 1 48. Timpani 91. Pad 3 (polysynth)
// 6. Electric Piano 2 49. String Ensemble 1 92. Pad 4 (choir)
// 7. Harpsichord 50. String Ensemble 2 93. Pad 5 (bowed)
// 8. Clavinet 51. SynthStrings 1 94. Pad 6 (metallic)
// 9. Celesta 52. SynthStrings 2 95. Pad 7 (halo)
// 10. Glockenspiel 53. Choir Aahs 96. Pad 8 (sweep)
// 11. Music Box 54. Voice Oohs 97. FX 1 (train)
// 12. Vibraphone 55. Synth Voice 98. FX 2 (soundtrack)
// 13. Marimba 56. Orchestra Hit 99. FX 3 (crystal)
// 14. Xylophone 57. Trumpet 100. FX 4 (atmosphere)
// 15. Tubular Bells 58. Trombone 101. FX 5 (brightness)
// 16. Dulcimer 59. Tuba 102. FX 6 (goblins)
// 17. Drawbar Organ 60. Muted Trumpet 103. FX 7 (echoes)
// 18. Percussive Organ 61. French Horn 104. FX 8 (SciFi)
// 19. Rock Organ 62. Brass Section 105. Sitar
// 20. Church Organ 63. Synth Brass 1 106. Banjo
// 21. Reed Organ 64. Synth Brass 2 107. Shamisen
// 22. Accordion 65. Soprano Sax 108. Koto
// 23. Harmonica 66. Alto Sax 109. Kalimba
// 24. Tango Accordion 67. Tenor Sax 110. Bagpipe
// 25. Acoustic Guitar(nylon) 68. Baritone Sax 111. Fiddle
// 26. Acoustic Guitar(steel) 69. Oboe 112. Shanai
// 27. Electric Guitar(jazz) 70. English Horn 113. Tinkle Bell
// 28. Electric Guitar(clean) 71. Bassoon 114. Agogo
// 29. Electric Guitar(muted) 72. Clarinet 115. Steel Drums
// 30. Overdriven Guitar 73. Piccolo 116. Woodblock
// 31. Distortion Guitar 74. Flute 117. Tailo Drum
// 32. Guitar Harmonics 75. Recorder 118. Melodic Drum
// 33. Acoustic Bass 76. Pan Flute 119. Synth Drum
// 34. Electric Bass(finger) 77. Blown Bottle 120. Reverse Cymbal
// 35. Electric Bass(pick) 78. Shakuhachi 121. Guitar Fret Noise
// 36. Fretless Bass 79. Whistle 122. Breath Noise
// 37. Slap Bass 1 80. Ocarina 123. Seashore
// 38. Slap Bass 2 81. Lead 1 (square) 124. Bird Tweet
// 39. Synth Bass 1 82. Lead 2 (sawtooth) 125. Telephone Ring
// 40. Synth Bass 2 83. Lead 3 (calliope) 126. Helicopter
// 41. Violin 84. Lead 4 (chiff) 127. Applause
// 42. Viola 85. Lead 5 (charang) 128. Gunshot
// 43. Cello 86. Lead 6 (voice)
const int NoNote = -1; // Arbitrary value we use here to indicate "no note"
internal enum NoteTable
C = 12,
CSharp = 13,
D = 14,
DSharp = 15,
E = 16,
F = 17,
FSharp = 18,
G = 19,
GSharp = 20,
A = 21,
ASharp = 22,
B = 23,
BSharp = 24
enum PatchType
None = 0,
AcousticGrandPiano = 1,
BrightAcousticPiano = 2,
ElectricGrandPiano = 3,
HonkyTonkPiano = 4,
ElectricPiano1 = 5,
ElectricPiano2 = 6,
HarpsiChord = 7,
Clavinet = 8,
Celesta = 9,
Glockenspiel = 10,
MusicBox = 11,
Vibraphone = 12,
Marimba = 13,
Xylophone = 14,
TubularBells = 15,
Dulcimer = 16,
DrawbarOrgan = 17,
PercussiveOrgan = 18,
RockOrgan = 19,
ChurchOrgan = 20,
ReedOrgan = 21,
Accordion = 22,
Harmonica = 23,
TangoAccordion = 24,
AcousticGuitar1 = 25,
AcousticGuitar2 = 26,
ElectricGuitar3 = 27,
ElectricGuitar4 = 28,
ElectricGuitar5 = 29,
OverdrivenGuitar = 30,
DistortionGuitar = 31,
GuitarHarmonics = 32,
AcousticBass = 33,
ElectricBass1 = 34,
ElectricBass2 = 35,
FretlessBass = 36,
SlapBass1 = 37,
SlapBass2 = 38,
SynthBass1 = 39,
SynthBass2 = 40,
Violin = 41,
Viola = 42,
Cello = 43,
Contrabass = 44,
TremoloStrings = 45,
PizzicatoStrings = 46,
OrchestralHarp = 47,
Timpani = 48,
StringEnsemble1 = 49,
StringEnsemble2 = 50,
Synthstrings1 = 51,
Synthstrings2 = 52,
ChoirAahs = 53,
VoiceOohs = 54,
SynthVoice = 55,
OrchestraHit = 56,
Trombone = 58,
Tuba = 59,
MutedTRUMPET = 60,
FrenchHorn = 61,
BrassSection = 62,
SynthBrass1 = 63,
SynthBrass2 = 64,
SopranoSax = 65,
AltoSax = 66,
TenorSax = 67,
BaritoneSax = 68,
Oboe = 69,
EnglishHorn = 70,
Bassoon = 71,
Clarinet = 72,
Piccolo = 73,
Flute = 74,
Recorder = 75,
PanFlute = 76,
BlownBottle = 77,
Shakuhachi = 78,
Whistle = 79,
Ocarina = 80,
Lead1 = 81,
Lead2 = 82,
Lead3 = 83,
Lead4 = 84,
Lead5 = 85,
Lead6 = 86,
Lead7 = 87,
Lead8 = 88,
Pad1 = 89,
Pad2 = 90,
Pad3 = 91,
Pad4 = 92,
Pad5 = 93,
Pad6 = 94,
Pad7 = 95,
Pad8 = 96,
Fx1 = 97,
Fx2 = 98,
Fx3 = 99,
Fx4 = 100,
Fx5 = 101,
Fx6 = 102,
Fx7 = 103,
Fx8 = 104,
Sitar = 105,
Banjo = 106,
Shamisen = 107,
Koto = 108,
Kalimba = 109,
Bagpipe = 110,
Fiddle = 111,
Shanai = 112,
TinkleBell = 113,
Agogo = 114,
SteelDrums = 115,
Woodblock = 116,
TailoDrum = 117,
MelodicDrum = 118,
SynthDrum = 119,
ReverseCymbal = 120,
GuitarFretNoise = 121,
BreathNoise = 122,
Seashore = 123,
BirdTweet = 124,
TelephoneRing = 125,
Helicopter = 126,
Applause = 127,
Gunshot = 128
class MidiRaw : List<byte>
protected void WriteRaw(params byte[] rawBytes)
protected void WriteRaw(string s, params byte[] rawBytes)
// Encoding for events within a MIDI track
class MidiTrack : MidiRaw
private uint delay;
private uint runningStatus;
public MidiTrack()
delay = 0;
runningStatus = 0;
// Timing
public void IncreaseDelay(uint amount) { delay += amount; }
private void WriteVarLen(uint t)
if ((t >> 21) > 0) WriteRaw((byte)(0x80 | ((t >> 21) & 0x7F)));
if ((t >> 14) > 0) WriteRaw((byte)(0x80 | ((t >> 14) & 0x7F)));
if ((t >> 7) > 0) WriteRaw((byte)(0x80 | ((t >> 7) & 0x7F)));
WriteRaw((byte)((t >> 0) & 0x7F));
private void Flush()
delay = 0;
private void WriteEvent(byte data, params byte[] rawBytes)
if (data != runningStatus) WriteRaw((byte)(runningStatus = data));
public void WriteMetaEvent(byte metatype, byte nbytes, params byte[] rawBytes)
WriteRaw(0xFF, metatype, nbytes);
// Key-related params [channel #, note #, pressure]
public void KeyOn(int ch, int n, int p) { if (n >= 0) WriteEvent((byte)(0x90 | ch), (byte)n, (byte)p); }
public void KeyOff(int ch, int n, int p) { if (n >= 0) WriteEvent((byte)(0x80 | ch), (byte)n, (byte)p); }
public void KeyTouch(int ch, int n, int p) { if (n >= 0) WriteEvent((byte)(0xA0 | ch), (byte)n, (byte)p); }
// Events with other param types
public void Control(int ch, int c, int v) { WriteEvent((byte)(0xB0 | ch), (byte)c, (byte)v); }
public void Patch(int ch, PatchType patchnum) { WriteEvent((byte)(0xC0 | ch), (byte)(patchnum)); }
public void Wheel(int ch, uint value) { WriteEvent((byte)(0xE0 | ch), (byte)(value & 0x7F), (byte)((value >> 7) & 0x7F)); }
// Add metadata
public void WriteText(int texttype, string text) { WriteMetaEvent((byte)texttype, (byte)text.Length, Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(text)); }
// MIDI file wrapper
class MidiFile : MidiRaw
private readonly List<MidiTrack> tracks = new List<MidiTrack>(16);
private readonly uint deltaticks;
private readonly uint tempo;
public MidiFile()
deltaticks = 1000;
tempo = 1000000;
public void WriteLoopStart() { this[0].WriteText(6, "loopStart"); }
public void WriteLoopEnd() { this[0].WriteText(6, "loopEnd"); }
public new MidiTrack this[int tracknum]
if (tracknum >= tracks.Count)
tracks.Capacity = 16;
for (int i = 0; i < tracknum + 1; i++) tracks.Add(new MidiTrack());
MidiTrack result = tracks[tracknum];
if (result.Count == 0)
** Meta 0x58 (misc settings):
** time signature: 4/2
** ticks/metro: 24
** 32nd per 1/4: 8
result.WriteMetaEvent(0x58, 4, 4, 2, 24, 8);
// Meta 0x51 (tempo):
result.WriteMetaEvent(0x51, 3, (byte)(tempo >> 16), (byte)(tempo >> 8), (byte)(tempo));
return result;
public void Finish()
// MIDI signature (MThd and number 6)
"MThd", new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 6,
// Format number (1: multiple tracks, synchronous)
0, 1,
(byte)(tracks.Count >> 8), (byte)(tracks.Count),
(byte)(deltaticks >> 8), (byte)deltaticks });
foreach (MidiTrack t in tracks)
// Add meta 0x2F to the track, indicating the track end:
t.WriteMetaEvent(0x2F, 0);
// Add the track into the MIDI file:
new[] { (byte)(t.Count >> 24),
(byte)(t.Count >> 16),
(byte)(t.Count >> 8),
(byte)(t.Count >> 0) });
public static int GetNote(NoteTable nt, int octave) { return (int)nt + (octave * 12); }
public static int GetNote(NoteTable nt) { return GetNote(nt, 0); }
public static void MIDIExample1()
// Chords
int[][] chords =
new[] { GetNote(NoteTable.DSharp, 4), GetNote(NoteTable.GSharp, 4) },
new[] { GetNote(NoteTable.DSharp, 4), GetNote(NoteTable.BSharp, 4) },
new[] { GetNote(NoteTable.GSharp, 4), GetNote(NoteTable.DSharp, 5) },
new[] { GetNote(NoteTable.GSharp, 4), GetNote(NoteTable.FSharp, 5) },
new[] { GetNote(NoteTable.FSharp, 4), GetNote(NoteTable.ASharp, 5) },
new[] { GetNote(NoteTable.GSharp, 4), GetNote(NoteTable.BSharp, 5) },
new[] { GetNote(NoteTable.GSharp, 4), GetNote(NoteTable.BSharp, 5) }
int[] uNotes =
GetNote(NoteTable.DSharp, 3),
GetNote(NoteTable.GSharp, 3),
GetNote(NoteTable.DSharp, 4),
GetNote(NoteTable.FSharp, 4),
GetNote(NoteTable.ASharp, 5),
GetNote(NoteTable.BSharp, 5)
const int x = NoNote; // Arbitrary value for no note played
int[] chordline =
0, x, x, x, x, x, x, x,
x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x,
x, x, x, x, 1, x, x, x,
x, x, x, x, 2, x, x, x,
x, x, x, x, 3, x, x, x,
x, x, x, x, 4, x, x, x,
x, x, x, x, 4, x, x, x,
5, x, x, x, 6, x, x, x
int[] bassline =
0, x, x, x, x, x, x, x,
x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x,
x, x, x, x, 2, x, x, x,
x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x,
x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x,
x, x, x, x, 3, x, x, x,
x, x, x, x, 0, x, x, x,
2, x, x, x, 0, x, x, x
MidiFile file = new MidiFile();
// Choose Patches for each channel
PatchType[] patches =
PatchType.None, PatchType.None, PatchType.None, PatchType.Synthstrings2,
PatchType.Synthstrings2, PatchType.Synthstrings2, PatchType.Timpani, PatchType.Timpani,
PatchType.Timpani, PatchType.None, PatchType.None, PatchType.None,
PatchType.None, PatchType.None, PatchType.ElectricBass1, PatchType.Flute
for (int c = 0; c < 16; ++c)
if (c != 10) // Patch all channels except the percussion channel
file[0].Patch(c, patches[c]);
int[] keysOn = { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 };
for (uint loops = 0; loops < 2; ++loops)
for (uint row = 0; row < 128; ++row)
for (int c = 0; c < 16; ++c)
int note = x, vol = 127;
if (c < 3)
int chord = chordline[row % 64];
if (chord != x)
note = chords[chord][c % 2];
vol = 0x4B;
else if (c == 14)
int k = bassline[row % 64];
note = k == x ? x : uNotes[k];
vol = 0x6F;
if (note == x && (c < 15 || row % 31 > 0)) continue;
file[0].KeyOff(c, keysOn[c], 0x20);
keysOn[c] = -1;
if (note == x) continue;
file[0].KeyOn(c, keysOn[c] = note, vol);
if (loops == 0) file.WriteLoopEnd();
File.WriteAllBytes(@"ex1.mid", file.ToArray());