[SOLVED] [C#] MIDI File Wrapper


Emeritus, Contributor
Feb 21, 2012
Here's a newer project I've been trying to work on this past while. It works finally... Definitely not as easy as FL Studio makes it to write a MIDI file lol. You have to think about numbers and look at the charts to compare them with notes and construct your own combinations of notes for chords and figure out what channel certain notes belong to, among lots of other things to come up with anything that the ear might like to hear.

I tried creating a basic melody in FL studio, and then looked at the note tables however to construct an example for my class's usage however, for anyone interested. It is Christmas themed since it's close to that time of course! :grin1:


[NO-PARSE]using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;

namespace CS_Console_Test.Classes.Other
	class MIDI
		#region General MIDI Map
		// Credits:  people.virginia.edu/~pdr4h/gmPatch.html
		//           pjb.com.au/muscript/gm.html#cc
		//   General MIDI Program Numbers 1 - 128
		//   all channels except 10
		// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
		// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
		//    1 - 8  = PIANO                     65 - 72  = REED
		//    9 - 16 = CHROMATIC PERCUSSION      73 - 80  = PIPE
		//   17 - 24 = ORGAN                     81 - 88  = SYNTH LEAD
		//   25 - 32 = GUITAR                    89 - 96  = SYNTH PAD
		//   33 - 40 = BASS                      97 - 104 = SYNTH EFFECTS
		//   41 - 48 = STRINGS                  105 - 112 = ETHNIC
		//   49 - 56 = ENSEMBLE                 113 - 120 = PERCUSSIVE
		//   57 - 64 = BRASS                    121 - 128 = SOUND EFFECTS
		// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
		// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
		//   1. Acoustic Grand Piano      44. Contrabass           87. Lead 7 (fifths)
		//   2. Bright Acoustic Piano     45. Tremolo Strings      88. Lead 8 (bass + lead
		//   3. Electric Grand Piano      46. Pizzicato Strings    89. Pad 1 (new age)
		//   4. Honky - tonk Piano        47. Orchestral Harp      90. Pad 2 (warm)
		//   5. Electric Piano 1          48. Timpani              91. Pad 3 (polysynth)
		//   6. Electric Piano 2          49. String Ensemble 1    92. Pad 4 (choir)
		//   7. Harpsichord               50. String Ensemble 2    93. Pad 5 (bowed)
		//   8. Clavinet                  51. SynthStrings 1       94. Pad 6 (metallic)
		//   9. Celesta                   52. SynthStrings 2       95. Pad 7 (halo)
		//   10. Glockenspiel             53. Choir Aahs           96. Pad 8 (sweep)
		//   11. Music Box                54. Voice Oohs           97. FX 1 (train)
		//   12. Vibraphone               55. Synth Voice          98. FX 2 (soundtrack)
		//   13. Marimba                  56. Orchestra Hit        99. FX 3 (crystal)
		//   14. Xylophone                57. Trumpet             100. FX 4 (atmosphere)
		//   15. Tubular Bells            58. Trombone            101. FX 5 (brightness)
		//   16. Dulcimer                 59. Tuba                102. FX 6 (goblins)
		//   17. Drawbar Organ            60. Muted Trumpet       103. FX 7 (echoes)
		//   18. Percussive Organ         61. French Horn         104. FX 8 (SciFi)
		//   19. Rock Organ               62. Brass Section       105. Sitar
		//   20. Church Organ             63. Synth Brass 1       106. Banjo
		//   21. Reed Organ               64. Synth Brass 2       107. Shamisen
		//   22. Accordion                65. Soprano Sax         108. Koto
		//   23. Harmonica                66. Alto Sax            109. Kalimba
		//   24. Tango Accordion          67. Tenor Sax           110. Bagpipe
		//   25. Acoustic Guitar(nylon)   68. Baritone Sax        111. Fiddle
		//   26. Acoustic Guitar(steel)   69. Oboe                112. Shanai
		//   27. Electric Guitar(jazz)    70. English Horn        113. Tinkle Bell
		//   28. Electric Guitar(clean)   71. Bassoon             114. Agogo
		//   29. Electric Guitar(muted)   72. Clarinet            115. Steel Drums
		//   30. Overdriven Guitar        73. Piccolo             116. Woodblock
		//   31. Distortion Guitar        74. Flute               117. Tailo Drum
		//   32. Guitar Harmonics         75. Recorder            118. Melodic Drum
		//   33. Acoustic Bass            76. Pan Flute           119. Synth Drum
		//   34. Electric Bass(finger)    77. Blown Bottle        120. Reverse Cymbal
		//   35. Electric Bass(pick)      78. Shakuhachi          121. Guitar Fret Noise
		//   36. Fretless Bass            79. Whistle             122. Breath Noise
		//   37. Slap Bass 1              80. Ocarina             123. Seashore
		//   38. Slap Bass 2              81. Lead 1 (square)     124. Bird Tweet
		//   39. Synth Bass 1             82. Lead 2 (sawtooth)   125. Telephone Ring
		//   40. Synth Bass 2             83. Lead 3 (calliope)   126. Helicopter
		//   41. Violin                   84. Lead 4 (chiff)      127. Applause
		//   42. Viola                    85. Lead 5 (charang)    128. Gunshot
		//   43. Cello                    86. Lead 6 (voice)

		const int NoNote = -1; // Arbitrary value we use here to indicate "no note"

		internal enum NoteTable
			C = 12,
			CSharp = 13,
			D = 14,
			DSharp = 15,
			E = 16,
			F = 17,
			FSharp = 18,
			G = 19,
			GSharp = 20,
			A = 21,
			ASharp = 22,
			B = 23,
			BSharp = 24

		enum PatchType
			None = 0,
			AcousticGrandPiano = 1,
			BrightAcousticPiano = 2,
			ElectricGrandPiano = 3,
			HonkyTonkPiano = 4,
			ElectricPiano1 = 5,
			ElectricPiano2 = 6,
			HarpsiChord = 7,
			Clavinet = 8,
			Celesta = 9,
			Glockenspiel = 10,
			MusicBox = 11,
			Vibraphone = 12,
			Marimba = 13,
			Xylophone = 14,
			TubularBells = 15,
			Dulcimer = 16,
			DrawbarOrgan = 17,
			PercussiveOrgan = 18,
			RockOrgan = 19,
			ChurchOrgan = 20,
			ReedOrgan = 21,
			Accordion = 22,
			Harmonica = 23,
			TangoAccordion = 24,
			AcousticGuitar1 = 25,
			AcousticGuitar2 = 26,
			ElectricGuitar3 = 27,
			ElectricGuitar4 = 28,
			ElectricGuitar5 = 29,
			OverdrivenGuitar = 30,
			DistortionGuitar = 31,
			GuitarHarmonics = 32,
			AcousticBass = 33,
			ElectricBass1 = 34,
			ElectricBass2 = 35,
			FretlessBass = 36,
			SlapBass1 = 37,
			SlapBass2 = 38,
			SynthBass1 = 39,
			SynthBass2 = 40,
			Violin = 41,
			Viola = 42,
			Cello = 43,
			Contrabass = 44,
			TremoloStrings = 45,
			PizzicatoStrings = 46,
			OrchestralHarp = 47,
			Timpani = 48,
			StringEnsemble1 = 49,
			StringEnsemble2 = 50,
			Synthstrings1 = 51,
			Synthstrings2 = 52,
			ChoirAahs = 53,
			VoiceOohs = 54,
			SynthVoice = 55,
			OrchestraHit = 56,
			TRUMPET = 57,
			Trombone = 58,
			Tuba = 59,
			MutedTRUMPET = 60,
			FrenchHorn = 61,
			BrassSection = 62,
			SynthBrass1 = 63,
			SynthBrass2 = 64,
			SopranoSax = 65,
			AltoSax = 66,
			TenorSax = 67,
			BaritoneSax = 68,
			Oboe = 69,
			EnglishHorn = 70,
			Bassoon = 71,
			Clarinet = 72,
			Piccolo = 73,
			Flute = 74,
			Recorder = 75,
			PanFlute = 76,
			BlownBottle = 77,
			Shakuhachi = 78,
			Whistle = 79,
			Ocarina = 80,
			Lead1 = 81,
			Lead2 = 82,
			Lead3 = 83,
			Lead4 = 84,
			Lead5 = 85,
			Lead6 = 86,
			Lead7 = 87,
			Lead8 = 88,
			Pad1 = 89,
			Pad2 = 90,
			Pad3 = 91,
			Pad4 = 92,
			Pad5 = 93,
			Pad6 = 94,
			Pad7 = 95,
			Pad8 = 96,
			Fx1 = 97,
			Fx2 = 98,
			Fx3 = 99,
			Fx4 = 100,
			Fx5 = 101,
			Fx6 = 102,
			Fx7 = 103,
			Fx8 = 104,
			Sitar = 105,
			Banjo = 106,
			Shamisen = 107,
			Koto = 108,
			Kalimba = 109,
			Bagpipe = 110,
			Fiddle = 111,
			Shanai = 112,
			TinkleBell = 113,
			Agogo = 114,
			SteelDrums = 115,
			Woodblock = 116,
			TailoDrum = 117,
			MelodicDrum = 118,
			SynthDrum = 119,
			ReverseCymbal = 120,
			GuitarFretNoise = 121,
			BreathNoise = 122,
			Seashore = 123,
			BirdTweet = 124,
			TelephoneRing = 125,
			Helicopter = 126,
			Applause = 127,
			Gunshot = 128

		class MidiRaw : List<byte>
			protected void WriteRaw(params byte[] rawBytes)

			protected void WriteRaw(string s, params byte[] rawBytes)

		// Encoding for events within a MIDI track
		class MidiTrack : MidiRaw
			private uint delay;
			private uint runningStatus;

			public MidiTrack()
				delay = 0;
				runningStatus = 0;

			// Timing
			public void IncreaseDelay(uint amount) { delay += amount; }

			private void WriteVarLen(uint t)
				if ((t >> 21) > 0) WriteRaw((byte)(0x80 | ((t >> 21) & 0x7F)));
				if ((t >> 14) > 0) WriteRaw((byte)(0x80 | ((t >> 14) & 0x7F)));
				if ((t >> 7) > 0) WriteRaw((byte)(0x80 | ((t >> 7) & 0x7F)));
				WriteRaw((byte)((t >> 0) & 0x7F));

			private void Flush()
				delay = 0;

			private void WriteEvent(byte data, params byte[] rawBytes)
				if (data != runningStatus) WriteRaw((byte)(runningStatus = data));

			public void WriteMetaEvent(byte metatype, byte nbytes, params byte[] rawBytes)
				WriteRaw(0xFF, metatype, nbytes);

			// Key-related params [channel #, note #, pressure]
			public void KeyOn(int ch, int n, int p) { if (n >= 0) WriteEvent((byte)(0x90 | ch), (byte)n, (byte)p); }
			public void KeyOff(int ch, int n, int p) { if (n >= 0) WriteEvent((byte)(0x80 | ch), (byte)n, (byte)p); }
			public void KeyTouch(int ch, int n, int p) { if (n >= 0) WriteEvent((byte)(0xA0 | ch), (byte)n, (byte)p); }

			// Events with other param types
			public void Control(int ch, int c, int v) { WriteEvent((byte)(0xB0 | ch), (byte)c, (byte)v); }
			public void Patch(int ch, PatchType patchnum) { WriteEvent((byte)(0xC0 | ch), (byte)(patchnum)); }
			public void Wheel(int ch, uint value) { WriteEvent((byte)(0xE0 | ch), (byte)(value & 0x7F), (byte)((value >> 7) & 0x7F)); }

			// Add metadata
			public void WriteText(int texttype, string text) { WriteMetaEvent((byte)texttype, (byte)text.Length, Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(text)); }

		// MIDI file wrapper
		class MidiFile : MidiRaw
			private readonly List<MidiTrack> tracks = new List<MidiTrack>(16);
			private readonly uint deltaticks;
			private readonly uint tempo;

			public MidiFile()
				deltaticks = 1000;
				tempo = 1000000;

			public void WriteLoopStart() { this[0].WriteText(6, "loopStart"); }
			public void WriteLoopEnd() { this[0].WriteText(6, "loopEnd"); }

			public new MidiTrack this[int tracknum]
					if (tracknum >= tracks.Count)
						tracks.Capacity = 16;
						for (int i = 0; i < tracknum + 1; i++) tracks.Add(new MidiTrack());
					MidiTrack result = tracks[tracknum];
					if (result.Count == 0)
						** Meta 0x58 (misc settings):
						**    time signature: 4/2
						**    ticks/metro:    24
						**    32nd per 1/4:   8
						result.WriteMetaEvent(0x58, 4, 4, 2, 24, 8);
						// Meta 0x51 (tempo):
						result.WriteMetaEvent(0x51, 3, (byte)(tempo >> 16), (byte)(tempo >> 8), (byte)(tempo));
					return result;

			public void Finish()
					// MIDI signature (MThd and number 6)
					"MThd", new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 6,
					// Format number (1: multiple tracks, synchronous)
					0, 1,
					(byte)(tracks.Count >> 8), (byte)(tracks.Count),
					(byte)(deltaticks >> 8), (byte)deltaticks });

				foreach (MidiTrack t in tracks)
					// Add meta 0x2F to the track, indicating the track end:
					t.WriteMetaEvent(0x2F, 0);
					// Add the track into the MIDI file:
						new[] { (byte)(t.Count >> 24),
							(byte)(t.Count >> 16),
							(byte)(t.Count >> 8),
							(byte)(t.Count >> 0) });

		public static int GetNote(NoteTable nt, int octave) { return (int)nt + (octave * 12); }

		public static int GetNote(NoteTable nt) { return GetNote(nt, 0); }

		public static void MIDIExample1()
			// Chords
			int[][] chords =
				new[] { GetNote(NoteTable.DSharp, 4), GetNote(NoteTable.GSharp, 4) },
				new[] { GetNote(NoteTable.DSharp, 4), GetNote(NoteTable.BSharp, 4) },
				new[] { GetNote(NoteTable.GSharp, 4), GetNote(NoteTable.DSharp, 5) },
				new[] { GetNote(NoteTable.GSharp, 4), GetNote(NoteTable.FSharp, 5) },
				new[] { GetNote(NoteTable.FSharp, 4), GetNote(NoteTable.ASharp, 5) },
				new[] { GetNote(NoteTable.GSharp, 4), GetNote(NoteTable.BSharp, 5) },
				new[] { GetNote(NoteTable.GSharp, 4), GetNote(NoteTable.BSharp, 5) }

			int[] uNotes =
				GetNote(NoteTable.DSharp, 3),
				GetNote(NoteTable.GSharp, 3),
				GetNote(NoteTable.DSharp, 4),
				GetNote(NoteTable.FSharp, 4),
				GetNote(NoteTable.ASharp, 5),
				GetNote(NoteTable.BSharp, 5)

			const int x = NoNote; // Arbitrary value for no note played

			int[] chordline =
				0, x, x, x, x, x, x, x,
				x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x,
				x, x, x, x, 1, x, x, x,
				x, x, x, x, 2, x, x, x,
				x, x, x, x, 3, x, x, x,
				x, x, x, x, 4, x, x, x,
				x, x, x, x, 4, x, x, x,
				5, x, x, x, 6, x, x, x
			int[] bassline =
				0, x, x, x, x, x, x, x,
				x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x,
				x, x, x, x, 2, x, x, x,
				x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x,
				x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x,
				x, x, x, x, 3, x, x, x,
				x, x, x, x, 0, x, x, x,
				2, x, x, x, 0, x, x, x

			MidiFile file = new MidiFile();

			// Choose Patches for each channel
			PatchType[] patches =
				PatchType.None,          PatchType.None,          PatchType.None,          PatchType.Synthstrings2,
				PatchType.Synthstrings2, PatchType.Synthstrings2, PatchType.Timpani,       PatchType.Timpani,
				PatchType.Timpani,       PatchType.None,          PatchType.None,          PatchType.None,
				PatchType.None,          PatchType.None,          PatchType.ElectricBass1, PatchType.Flute

			for (int c = 0; c < 16; ++c)
				if (c != 10) // Patch all channels except the percussion channel
					file[0].Patch(c, patches[c]);

			int[] keysOn = { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 };
			for (uint loops = 0; loops < 2; ++loops)
				for (uint row = 0; row < 128; ++row)
					for (int c = 0; c < 16; ++c)
						int note = x, vol = 127;
						if (c < 3)
							int chord = chordline[row % 64];
							if (chord != x)
								note = chords[chord][c % 2];
								vol = 0x4B;
						else if (c == 14)
							int k = bassline[row % 64];
							note = k == x ? x : uNotes[k];
							vol = 0x6F;
						if (note == x && (c < 15 || row % 31 > 0)) continue;
						file[0].KeyOff(c, keysOn[c], 0x20);
						keysOn[c] = -1;
						if (note == x) continue;
						file[0].KeyOn(c, keysOn[c] = note, vol);
				if (loops == 0) file.WriteLoopEnd();

			File.WriteAllBytes(@"ex1.mid", file.ToArray());

Timing is still somewhat of an issue here (not that the timing is off, but being able to calculate a more common format for timing that the user would be able to use to form their own MIDI output instead. I haven't added this in, but the patches seem to all work, and I've even added in a note table based on information I've found online and fooling around in FL's piano roll, that will help you with getting a certain note of a certain octave. The note values seemed weird to me, but I'll test their accuracy one by one in FL later...

Also, attachments for the example output result (MIDI *.mid format, and as well as the result of the *.mid usage in a program like FL Studio to create a melody in *.mp3 format) is available here: MIDI File Wrapper

I'm off to bed though, I'm human too. :) Last week of work before a week of holidays AFAIK. :thumbsup2:

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