private void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
if (richTextBox1.Modified == true)
if (MessageBox.Show("Do you wish to save any changes? All unsaved changes will be lost.", "Test", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes)
string Saved_File = "";
saveFD.InitialDirectory = "Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments)";
saveFD.Title = "Save a File";
saveFD.FileName = "";
saveFD.Filter = "Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt|Batch Files (*.bat)|*.bat|HTML Files (*.html)|*.html";
if (saveFD.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.Cancel)
Saved_File = saveFD.FileName;
richTextBox1.SaveFile(Saved_File, RichTextBoxStreamType.PlainText);
richTextBox1.Modified = false; <-- This line is rather pointless now? The application closes if the selects to save the file or not.
Okay, so I've removed the Tag property and replaced it with the Modified property, which should make the code more efficient because I'm not creating one big string variable. I need to change my main project too now.
richTextBox1.Tag = richTextBox1.Text;
When I exit the application, but haven't made any changes to a opened file, the message box is still prompted for saving any changes to the file.
I could live with it like this, but it would be nice to know how to monitor changes to a opened file and not the rich textbox like Notepad does.