
Jun 21, 2018
Well, I followed the instructions as per Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) Posting Instructions topic and here goes all the info I could gather. Also worth notice is the app didn't "finish" its work, stuck in Waiting for System Info for many minutes, and there is no .zip in the sysnative folder in Documents, so I just copied the text in a notepad. Not sure if it will help...

Read More:

As for the questions:
· OS - Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista ?
Windows 10
· x86 (32-bit) or x64 ?
· What was original installed OS on system?
Windows 10
· Is the OS an OEM version (came pre-installed on system) or full retail version (YOU purchased it from retailer)?
full retail. I purchased it on Windows Store.
· Age of system (hardware)
Gonna be 2 years old in september (everything)
· Age of OS installation - have you re-installed the OS?
Around the same date I first started the pc.

Intel Core i7 6700K Skylake 4GHZ
· Video Card
Geforce GTX1070 Zotac Extreme
· MotherBoard - (if NOT a laptop)
Gigabyte X150M PLUS
· Power Supply - brand & wattage (if laptop, skip this one)
· System Manufacturer
· Exact model number (if laptop, check label on bottom)
Corsair 750w
· Laptop or Desktop?


Other information:
I have all the drivers up to date (used Drive Booster). Nvidia and Windows are up to date. I did a chkdsk check, memory run check, and a verifier check all of them detected nothing. I use Malwarebytes, tried both it and Microsoft Security Essentials, none of them detected malwares.
The BSOD happens basically once a day and ONLY when browsing firefox (which I reinstalled to make sure). It doesn't crash playing wow or any Steam games, nor watching videos such as Youtube (tested for hours). It crashes when browsing social sites (so far: forums and facebook).
Tested using Edge for hours and no problem. It has been happening for around a week. I tried rolling back to June 1st before the latest patch from Windows but it didnt allow me to do so.
According to SSDLife my SSD is healthy.

From 1st June til now I installed an update for media player classic and that's it. Event viewer showed this. Since June 16 every critical error was a BSOD:

Please give the tool 10 to 20 minutes to finish, the 'waiting for system info' part can sometimes take some time.
I left it for an hour. The little box closed by itself. Just the bigger one remains, forever with this infinite line.
anyway, I went to sysnative folder in Documents and found another memory dump 062318-14890-01.dmp I guess it is just not autozipping...
Uploaded it again.

It only happens when using Firefox. A few sites such as imgur and twitter aren't even working with it anymore. I can even reproduce the BSOD by just using Firefox on social media sites. It happens when I hold ctrl to open a link in a new tab. I'm 100% sure the problem comes from that browser.
I have three extensions: Adblock Plus (I use mostly for Youtube). IDM (Internet Download Manager) and Tampermonkey to fix the bugs in a forum I work on. Have been using them for a long time now without issues.


It seems to be a issue with Malwarebytes> NETIO.SYS BSOD - Malwarebytes 3 Support Forum - Malwarebytes Forums

mwac.sys is a Malwarebytes system file

Debug session time: Sat Jun 23 11:39:50.690 2018 (UTC - 4:00)
Loading Dump File [C:\BSOD APP\SysnativeBSODApps\062318-14890-01.dmp]
Built by: 17134.1.amd64fre.rs4_release.180410-1804
System Uptime: 0 days 20:22:16.057
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for mwac.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for mwac.sys
Probably caused by : NETIO.SYS ( NETIO!StreamInvokeCalloutAndNormalizeAction+5c )
BugCheck D1, {8, 2, 0, fffff80f62dd714c}
BugCheck Info: [url=http://www.carrona.org/bsodindx.html#0x000000D1]DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL (d1)[/url]
Bugcheck code 000000d1
Arg1: 0000000000000008, memory referenced
Arg2: 0000000000000002, IRQL
Arg3: 0000000000000000, value 0 = read operation, 1 = write operation
Arg4: fffff80f62dd714c, address which referenced memory
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID:  AV_VRF_NETIO!StreamInvokeCalloutAndNormalizeAction
MaxSpeed:     4000
CurrentSpeed: 4008
BiosVersion = F2
BiosReleaseDate = 11/19/2015
SystemManufacturer = Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
SystemProductName = To be filled by O.E.M.
BaseBoardProduct = X150M-PLUS WS-CF
It seems to be a issue with Malwarebytes> NETIO.SYS BSOD - Malwarebytes 3 Support Forum - Malwarebytes Forums

mwac.sys is a Malwarebytes system file

Debug session time: Sat Jun 23 11:39:50.690 2018 (UTC - 4:00)
Loading Dump File [C:\BSOD APP\SysnativeBSODApps\062318-14890-01.dmp]
Built by: 17134.1.amd64fre.rs4_release.180410-1804
System Uptime: 0 days 20:22:16.057
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for mwac.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for mwac.sys
Probably caused by : NETIO.SYS ( NETIO!StreamInvokeCalloutAndNormalizeAction+5c )
BugCheck D1, {8, 2, 0, fffff80f62dd714c}
BugCheck Info: [URL="http://www.carrona.org/bsodindx.html#0x000000D1"]DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL (d1)[/URL]
Bugcheck code 000000d1
Arg1: 0000000000000008, memory referenced
Arg2: 0000000000000002, IRQL
Arg3: 0000000000000000, value 0 = read operation, 1 = write operation
Arg4: fffff80f62dd714c, address which referenced memory
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID:  AV_VRF_NETIO!StreamInvokeCalloutAndNormalizeAction
MaxSpeed:     4000
CurrentSpeed: 4008
BiosVersion = F2
BiosReleaseDate = 11/19/2015
SystemManufacturer = Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
SystemProductName = To be filled by O.E.M.
BaseBoardProduct = X150M-PLUS WS-CF
HAH! Rolledback to the previous version of Malwarebytes and had no crash so far, after re-doing everything I did for the BSOD to happen. Thanks a lot, Wrench97. I'm going to follow that topic at MB to see where it will lead. So far, seems their team is trying to find the blame on other apps. Their latest update didn't match well with the lastest Windows update.
Now if I only could get Twitter to work on Firefox... I am getting a redirect loop on their first page. Cleaning cookies didn't help, but guess what. It works on Edge. Imgur same thing (Failed to upload post). I think the Illuminate want me to drop Firefox and go EDGE or Chrome.

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