BSOD while playing Remnant II winodws 11 pro part 2


Active member
Jul 10, 2023
Hello this is my part 2 getting bsod now when playing Remant 2 on steam
here are the things i tried to fix the problem.
1. i had windows 11 insider i reformat my pc comeplety using usb flash drive to windows 11 pro version.
2. i had Geforce driver install i unistall in safe mode using ddu app and dl studio driver
3. updated my bios
here is the minidump folder

Please let met know if you need anything else.


All those dumps have a 0x116 VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE bugcheck. The TDR facility is Timeout Detection and Recovery, it's designed to recover from graphics hangs by resetting the driver and card. If the TDR recovery doesn't resolve the problem you get one of these 0x116 Bugchecks.

The problem then, is either the graphics driver or the graphics card itself. The best way to tell is to download DDU and the three most recent versions of the driver from the Nvidia driver download site. Use DDU to fully uninstall the existing graphics driver and, after the reboot, install the latest version of the driver. If it still BSODs, then use DDU to fully uninstall that driver and, after the reboot, install the immediately prior version. If that BSODs, then use DDU again to remove that driver and install the two version previous driver.

If it still BSODs with a 0x116 stop code using the three most recent driver versions then it's most likely the graphics card that's at fault. You might try removing and re-seating the card, that helps sometimes. Also make sure the extra power connector is properly seated at the card and at the PSU. If you have second suitable PCIe slot then try the card in there. Finally, if you can borrow another graphics card then try that - but be sure to use DDU to remove the current driver and install the correct driver for the borrowed card.
so here is what i did

1.i took out the gpu like u said i plug it back in i also noticeny psu cables werent connect in order probably ^_^
2. i restart my pc in safe mood i unistall my driver using ddu install new drivers from nvidia website i also did advance install to clean fresh install
3. i open a game for about couple minutes no BSOD yet could it been because of the wrong cable order?
It might just be that DDU has removed fragments of earlier drivers - that why we use it. But let's wait and see whether it's stable long-term....
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ok but lets say i go to work and i want to test my pc to see if its crash or not if i just run the game and not playing it can i test it?
also i play Remnant II so far so good no crashes.

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