BSOD - unexpected_kernel_mode_trap


Jun 22, 2018
I was getting this exact exact bsod around 3 weeks ago, and even though I could not reproduce it I was able to supposedly fix it after updating drivers and reseating my RAM among other things.
Apparently I did not fix it, or whatever was causing it is back now.

· OS - Windows 10
· x64
· What was original installed OS on system? Windows 10
· Is the OS an OEM version (came pre-installed on system) or full retail version (YOU purchased it from retailer)? pre-installed
· Age of system (hardware) - about 1 year old
· Age of OS installation - have you re-installed the OS? I recently did a clean install of Windows

· CPU - intel i5 8600k (previously overclocked, now running at stock)
· Video Card - gtx 1080
· MotherBoard - (if NOT a laptop) - MSI Z370 A Pro
· Power Supply - brand & wattage (if laptop, skip this one) - be quiet pure power 10 - 700W

· Laptop or Desktop? Desktop



Hotfix(s): 3 Hotfix(s) Installed.

Try doing a windows update to make sure all the latest updates are installed.


This code can be caused by a lot of things. First I would suggest doing the windows update as mentioned before.

Probably caused by : ntkrnlmp.exe ( nt!VerifierBugCheckIfAppropriate+df )

BugCheck C4, {2004, ffff8107c1a5bec8, fffff8007a4401f0, ffffd18ca59a1f60}

Disable driver verifier.

1: Run Driver Verifier

2: Choose Delete existing settings then click Finish.
I just ran Windows Update and it installed a small update, will see if that does anything.
As for driver verifier, it was already disabled.

Also, yesterday I got another BSOD. This time my PC completely froze for about 10 seconds, before it turned into a bluescreen with the message Machine_Check_Exception. For some reason no dump was created for this one though.
It is the first time I got a different one from the one mentioned in OP, apart from when I ran driver verifier.

When I checked the dumps myself (even though I am a complete amateur) I saw that discord.exe was mentioned, and have not been running it since then, no bsod so far.
Obviously might just be a coincidence, but maybe it helps you in some way.

Thanks for the support!
Post up the newest minidump file so we can take a look. It's possible discord installed incorrectly, possibly try reinstalling it.
I did reinstall discord, however that did not seem to fix the problem. Using the in-browser version in the meantime without any problems so far.
The two latest minidumps are attached.


Lets make sure that this isn't a memory issue. Please run Memtest86 and follow the instructions all the way through. Post back results.
I haven't had time to run memtest the last couple days, but will do so now.
Just got the bsod again, new minidump is attached.

I was watching my temperatures yesterday, and saw my ssd spike up to 145°C once.
I'm not sure if that was just a visual bug with the monitoring software, as it is insanely high.
The ssd was sitting at pretty normal temperatures apart from that spike.

I will report back with the results once memtest is finished.


i apologize for the late response, and that i overlooked your post. I am currently at work, but when i get home tonight i will take a look!
Right, especially with a machine check exception, this is a hardware issue.
From what limited information I can see in the minidumps, the Intel CPU is throwing a NPX overflow exception.
According to the Intel documentation, within the Numeric Processor Extension (NPX), the actual instruction data isn't necessarily saved on the stack, so finding what caused this is going to be extremely difficult, if not impossible.
It looks like some kind of floating point arithmetic, passed from a coprocessor instruction, went kaput... Most likely a segmentation issue.
It's almost certainly your CPU at this point. If I was you, I would try to RMA it and go from there.
Thanks for the response.
I actually have an i7 6700 from my old desktop lying around.
Would it be be worth it to put it in and see if the issue persists, to be absolutely sure it is the CPU?
Yes, that never does any harm, providing it's the same socket and chipset.

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