BSOD - SFC and DISM won't work


New member
Aug 17, 2022
Hello everyone,

Recently I started having a problem with my computer after a Windows 10 Update. I tried everything to fix it and as a result I ended up doing a fresh reinstall (via the BIOS) because it failed to complete it with the troubleshooter.

Now that I have my new Windows 10 the problem came back. My programs will crash as if something is corrupted and BSOD often. I've tried SFC and DISM solutions and I reset Windows again, but the problem just occurs every once and awhile even when fixing the "corruption". I've managed to fix it in the past by brute force aka spamming sfc, dism, and reboots. So I'm looking for a more permanent solution, I don't think it's NVME failing either as I've ran a quality test via Samsung's program.

Note (I tried SFCFix, and it said the program crashed/failed).

Any help would be appreciated.


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I failed the MemTest, so I'm assuming it's my RAM? If you have any other idea, please let me know.

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