BSOD problem Acer 5750-6421 laptop - Windows 7 x64


Jan 30, 2016

I have been experiencing intermittent BSOD crashes on my acer laptop for several years. Checking my minidump files, I find 4 events in the last month. I hope you can help me diagnose and fix this problem. If I followed instructions correctly, I am attaching the zipped Sysnative collection and perfmon files. My laptop details:

Acer 5750-6421 (2012?)
original install OEM 64 bit Windows 7

Thanks very much for whatever help you can offer.



Hi. . .

Is your system clock current?

All of the files in the zipped attachment had the same timestamp - 1 January 1980. Your CMOS battery may need to be replaced.

There were dozens of dumps from 2015. I ran the ones from 2016.

3 dumps had a bugcheck of 0x101 - CPU hang

1 dump - bugcheck - 0x7a - kernel data from the page file (HDD) could not be read into RAM

We're dealing with unknown hardware failure.

Run this Intel CPU test -

Run memtest86+ one stick at a time; alternate the slots -

Run SeaTools for DOS, LONG test -

Regards. . .


[font=lucida console]
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\PalmDesert\_jcgriff2_\dbug\__Kernel__\011516-53414-01.dmp]
Built by: 7601.19045.amd64fre.win7sp1_gdr.151019-1254
Debug session time: Fri Jan 15 21:57:24.613 2016 (UTC - 5:00)
System Uptime: 0 days 0:46:59.924
Probably caused by : Unknown_Image ( ANALYSIS_INCONCLUSIVE )
PROCESS_NAME:  svchost.exe
Bugcheck code 00000101
Arguments 00000000`00000031 00000000`00000000 fffff880`02fd7180 00000000`00000003
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\PalmDesert\_jcgriff2_\dbug\__Kernel__\012916-48110-01.dmp]
Built by: 7601.19110.amd64fre.win7sp1_gdr.151230-0600
Debug session time: Fri Jan 29 17:09:51.288 2016 (UTC - 5:00)
System Uptime: 0 days 0:05:48.599
Probably caused by : Unknown_Image ( ANALYSIS_INCONCLUSIVE )
PROCESS_NAME:  svchost.exe
Bugcheck code 00000101
Arguments 00000000`00000031 00000000`00000000 fffff880`02f65180 00000000`00000002
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\PalmDesert\_jcgriff2_\dbug\__Kernel__\021016-53196-01.dmp]
Built by: 7601.19110.amd64fre.win7sp1_gdr.151230-0600
Debug session time: Wed Feb 10 10:39:53.189 2016 (UTC - 5:00)
System Uptime: 0 days 10:33:12.126
Probably caused by : ntkrnlmp.exe ( nt! ?? ::FNODOBFM::`string'+353ea )
BUGCHECK_STR:  0x7a_c00000b5
PROCESS_NAME:  Avira.ServiceH
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID:  X64_0x7a_c00000b5_VRF_nt!_??_::FNODOBFM::_string_+353ea
Bugcheck code 0000007A
Arguments fffff6fc`50017020 ffffffff`c00000b5 00000001`5a3ad880 fffff8a0`02e04018
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\PalmDesert\_jcgriff2_\dbug\__Kernel__\010816-25864-01.dmp]
Built by: 7601.19045.amd64fre.win7sp1_gdr.151019-1254
Debug session time: Fri Jan  8 16:43:29.604 2016 (UTC - 5:00)
System Uptime: 0 days 3:09:09.915
Probably caused by : Unknown_Image ( ANALYSIS_INCONCLUSIVE )
PROCESS_NAME:  svchost.exe
Bugcheck code 00000101
Arguments 00000000`00000031 00000000`00000000 fffff880`02f65180 00000000`00000002
Hi jcgriff2,

About my time stamp -- realized that I have never changed the battery. Thanks for the catch. A bit more background detail and some questions.
I did recently update some drivers from the acer site and thought that maybe the BSOD events were lessening.
I also ran memtest with both sticks together for about 14 passes with no errors detected. Should I still test each stick and slot separately to be sure?
I also ran driver verify yesterday for about 12 hours (?) and came home to find a crash event. The 021016 minidump file was generated from that event. That is when I sought your help.
Regarding the CPU test -- your link shows Prime95 and the Intel tool. Should I test with one or both tools?
Then on to the hard drive test.
Thanks, Fred
Hi Fred. . .

I honestly don't think that drivers are the issue in your BSODs. Maybe some were from 2015; unsure. The date of the crash is reflected in the dump filename. The first six digits is MMDDYY. Here is a complete listing of your dumps (sorted by filename/date):
012815-25662-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
020415-36769-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
020415-40841-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
021115-38625-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
021315-31683-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
021615-42182-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
021815-31730-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
022115-24164-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
030315-30326-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
030315-31683-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
030515-27019-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
031015-31262-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
031715-35568-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
032615-24648-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
032715-20732-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
040115-23478-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
040215-25412-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
040315-29702-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
040715-29421-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
040715-29234-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
040815-40357-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
043015-29296-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
050115-27939-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
050215-26847-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
050315-25724-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
050615-22791-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
050615-23259-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
050715-21091-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
050915-24242-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
050915-24507-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
050915-22588-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
051315-37736-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
060815-46878-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
061015-29421-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
061615-32760-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
061815-28782-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
062615-22308-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
062815-20482-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
082015-30045-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
082615-20826-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
082915-49265-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
090815-32744-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
091015-27175-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
112015-29374-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
112915-34881-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
122515-34226-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
010816-25864-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
011516-53414-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
012916-48110-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
021016-53196-01.dmp                          	 262144	1/1/1980	12:00:00 AM	-
They do in fact seem to lessen in frequency toward the end of 2015 so perhaps the driver updates helped.

But the 2016 dumps are definitely caused by unknown hardware failure, IMO.

I'd like you to re-run memtest86+ one stick at a time; minimum 7 passes in each slot.

I double-checked the BSOD from 10 Feb 2016 (the one you mentioned running Driver Verifier on) and it had bugcheck 0x7a - kernel data from the page file (HDD) could not be read into RAM. The 2 major possibilities here are RAM and the HDD. Other unknown hardware failure can be at fault -- especially hardware that could affect RAMs ability to properly hold kernel code like PSU or even the motherboard. I am not a hardware expert and don't really know much about the interactions of hardware. I sit on the software side of the fence.

The 0x7a dump did contain an exception error code - 0xc00000b5 - a device timeout, but of course the device that timed out is not listed. I suspect a problem with the HDD; hence the reason for SeaTools diag app.

Here is the 0x7a dump from 02-10-16:
Read More:

The dump was in fact VERIFIER_ENABLED, but named no 3rd party driver. This is just another indicator that we're dealing with unknown hardware failure.

Just run the Intel CPU test for now. The link I provided should take you directly to the post containing the Intel test. Running the CPU test is a must because of the 0x101 BSODs (CPU hang).

Regards. . .

Last edited:
Hi flee. :wave:

  1. Replace your environment variable PATH with this one (it's like yours, %systemroot% replaced with c:\ and paths sorted):
    C:;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live;C:\Program Files (x86)\EgisTec MyWinLocker\;C:\Program Files (x86)\EgisTec MyWinLocker\x64;C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\QTSystem\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Shared;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live;C:\system32;C:\System32\Wbem;C:\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;
  2. The perfmon report shows StartNow Search Protect "C:\Program Files (x86)\StartNow Toolbar\search_protect.exe" /RELAY /REPORT /PROTECT.
    Did you install it on purpose?
    It seems it could be malware (probably it shows advertisings).
  3. I'd try to remove avira and to install Microsoft essentials antivirus for some days, to exclude it is the culprit.
    The same for ZoneAlarm, replace it with windows firewall, for some days.
    (sometimes antiviruses and firewalls could cause bsods)
  4. Check - HL-2270DW Win7 x64 english (if that is your printer and if you didn't already update its drivers/firmware, like it seems...).
  5. If you don't use it, uninstall ZoomBrowser (there are a lot of error messages about it in your logs).
  6. If you don't use it, uninstall (cyberlink) acer\ (there are a lot of error messages about it in your logs).
Hi jcgriff2,

The IPD tool is not working for me and I wonder if you can suggest a remedy. Here is the tool error report:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: CLR20r3
Problem Signature 01: Win-IPDT64.exe
Problem Signature 02:
Problem Signature 03: 569f942e
Problem Signature 04: System
Problem Signature 05: 4.6.1055.0
Problem Signature 06: 563c0ff8
Problem Signature 07: 2e86
Problem Signature 08: 15b
Problem Signature 09: System.InvalidOperationException
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 6782
Additional Information 2: 6782764b39a4418ad105eae9cba42330
Additional Information 3: b77b
Additional Information 4: b77ba336e5397cf44324b52153943551

In the meantime, I will move on to the HD test.

Hi xilolee,

Thanks for your post. Pts 3, 4, and 6 were easy to address. ZoomBrowser is popular here. I vaguely recall that Canon didn't keep up with updates. Good to know that ZB is generating errors enough to discuss with users. A dumb question about changing enviroment variable path -- why change it and what would be the effect? Regarding StartNow, from a quick check I don't see it in control panel program listings and no sign of it in browsers. Should I be concerned and if so what to do?

Grateful for any further advice. Thanks, Fred
Sorry about the PATH, I forgot "\windows" in my first post:
c:\windows;c:\windows\system32;c:\windows\System32\Wbem;c:\windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live;C:\Program Files (x86)\EgisTec MyWinLocker\;C:\Program Files (x86)\EgisTec MyWinLocker\x64;C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\QTSystem\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Shared;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live;
@ xilolee - OPs current PATH env var contains some added programs:

Path=C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Shared;C:\Program Files (x86)\EgisTec MyWinLocker\x64;C:\Program Files (x86)\EgisTec MyWinLocker\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\;C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\QTSystem\

I got that from the file attached in post #1.
No problem!
I'm used to use the code tag because in another forum the quote tag produces an error in the text, but here I think I can safely use the quote or spoiler tags. :smile9:

Just to report back. From all the hardware testing, turns out i had a hard drive problem. I put in a new SSD and no problems seen yet. Thanks for pointing me in the direction of hardware problems. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Regards, Fred
Hi Fred. . .

Thanks for posting back to update us - much appreciated.

Regards. . .


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