
May 4, 2024
Hey there,

I have recently bought myself a laptop - Gigabyte G7 KF - RTX4060, I5 12500H, 16gb ram, WIN11 etc(.speccy file provided)

While I am gaming (doesn't matter if more or less demanding title, as you'll probably see by minidump logs)
, I'm encountering BSODs "DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL" referring to the kbdclass.sys
Those BSODs tend to happen roughly once a day or two. I'm pretty sure this is a software issue, as I was browsing through internet this particular error happened to similar GIGABYTE models.

So far I have resulted to:
Reinstalling all keyboard-related drivers (even multiple times)
Reinstalling all the chipset drivers
Reinstalling USB/HID drivers
Disabled hotkey/keybind related programs from autostart.
Even resulting myself to mess with the regedit
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4d36e96b-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} - in the "upper filters" config file, i've removed the HKKbdFltr line from it.

I'm slowly running out of options to do and I have to result myself to a call for help from people, that might know how to deal with these issues much better than me.


You are quite right that the Control Centre filter driver HKKbdFltr.sys is the likely cause of these BSODs. The HKKbdFltr.sys driver is called in the lead-up to each BSOD, and it's the only third-party driver called. The version of HKKbdFltr.sys that you have installed is extremely old. It dates from 2019 and so pre-dates Windows 11...
4: kd> lmvmHKKbdFltr
Browse full module list
start             end                 module name
fffff804`74630000 fffff804`7463d000   HKKbdFltr T (no symbols)           
    Loaded symbol image file: HKKbdFltr.sys
    Image path: \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\HKKbdFltr.sys
    Image name: HKKbdFltr.sys
    Browse all global symbols  functions  data
    Timestamp:        Wed Mar  6 10:15:16 2019 (5C7F8194)
    CheckSum:         0000CC3A
    ImageSize:        0000D000
    Translations:     0000.04b0 0000.04e4 0409.04b0 0409.04e4
    Information from resource tables:
That makes me think that you have an out-dated version of the Control Centre installed. The driver download site for your Gigabyte G7 KF has a much more recent version of Control Centre dated April 11th 2024. I suggest you uninstall the existing Control Centre (which is likely not Windows 11 compatible) and install this later version.
Just a cent from me on this, I have a relatively new laptop that may have/had a similar/same problem as yours. I have a completely different laptop but have experienced crashes that looked to be from this keyboard filter driver with this exact BSOD error code 0xA. I have found that reinstalling or updating didn't solve it for me, which could theoretically be because for me updating the software didn't update the driver itself.

I recently removed the control center software altogether and am still checking if the crashes recur or not, because for me that can take weeks.
Alright, so I need to update the control centre.
Though, there's an interesting matter regarding control centre, I have two various pre-installed, one seemingly older than the other.
So I uninstall the older one entirely and update the other one?

On a second thought, I'd honestly get rid of both, but as far as I tried, i could not find a compatible software for fan management, any recommendations?
Okay, I have ditched the older control center (CLEVO CONTROL CENTER 3.0) and now I have only the up-to-date one installed. Could be that those bluescreens happened because those two were running separately and conflicted each other?
After all both programs have almost identical functionalities, one just has a different interface and more features than the other.
If the BSODs will keep occuring, most probably I will ditch the newer one altogether.
I'll let You know in 2-3 days if BSODs ceased to occur.

Below is comparison of both programs.
It certainly could have been a conflict between the two versions. If that were mine I would uninstall all versions of Control Centre, reboot, and then install the latest version.
Nevermind, I reinstalled the newest drivers for this program again to try something...

I think that the second version is just an extension of the original program.
Guess that means that the Control Center 3.0 is entirely responsible? Or could there be a sort of workaround?

UPDATE: After fresh reinstallation I removed Control Center 3.0 and the Control Center Package v6.039 runs independently.
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You can never be certain that there wasn't an overlap in module names etc. so having discovered that you have two versions installed it's wiser to uninstall both and then reinstall the one you want. You can never make assumptions.
That's the thing - the Control Center that I downloaded directly from GIGABYTE website, it installs both versions at the same time and there's no customization option in the installation process.
You can never be certain that there wasn't an overlap in module names etc. so having discovered that you have two versions installed it's wiser to uninstall both and then reinstall the one you want. You can never make assumptions.
That's probably because it's all GIGABYTE, it's hardly to find anything compatible
Even the notebook fan control does support just one GIGABYTE serie.

As of now I think We can all agree that we know what's the issue is, as of now i'm running only one version of the Control Center software, the other one is uninstalled.
So far, no blue screens, but if they'll happen i'll just ditch the other one too.

Update: The software is responsible only for the exhaust fans(those in the rear), the GPU built-in ones do work as intended.

I want to say Thank You to all of You folks for the help, now I can finally sleep easy, knowing that the hardware is all dandy.
I want to wish You, that all the problems, that people come with here, are as simple to fix as this one.

The thread can be considered solved = )
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That's the thing - the Control Center that I downloaded directly from GIGABYTE website, it installs both versions at the same time and there's no customization option in the installation process.
Wow. That's really odd. Glad you have it stable now though.

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