BSOD IRQL not less or equal while gaming


New member
Mar 29, 2015
First time writing here, first time actually asking for help in a forum, because i just can't find a solution
Recently, I have had BSOD problems when playing, specifically Crysis 3, DmC devil may cry and Resident Evil 4 Ultimate HD edition, games wich didn't bsod are Hitman blood money, Metal gear rising, Dark Souls 1/2, I have no idea if this can help, but a thing resident evil and dmc have in common is they're capcom, dmc and crysis are also both "powered by AMD" or something, (really, i don't even know what does it mean) while the games that work are NVIDIA. I have a NVIDIA GPU, always keep driver up to date, tried rolling back, bsod still happening, tried removing even some windows updates that seemingly could have compatibility problems and still nothing, uninstalled avast, used revoinstaller to completely remove programs i didn't even use, and tested the ram with the in built windows program, zero errors. I also used Driver Verifier aaand it really didn't do anything, i tried playing crysis with driver verifier on and bsod occured "as usual", no real difference. Never overclocked, actually never accessed BIOS, i wouldn't know what to even do. As for the BSODs, they are quite peculiar. When gaming, they happen after usually 30 minutes, and as far as what happened, never in an in-game menu. It did however happen during a load screen in RE4. it's almost always the IRQL one, however one time it was the page fault in non paged area, another time it was system service exception, and another time the memory management error (this one apparently left no dump for whatever reason, i'll let you know it was a 0x1A, first parameter:0x403, if it is of any help). Whenever i reboot after one of these bsods, ANOTHER bsod appears, before even windows boots, and it's ALWAYS 0x7e, it leaves no dumps tho. (i guess it's because windows didn't even load right?). However, this bsod happens, and it keeps happening after i reboot for like at least another 4/5 times, no matter what i do (like even if i try to boot in safe mode). So i just keep rebooting till i enter windows AND THEN if i'm lucky everything will work fine for the rest of eternity if i don't open one of those games BUT in the most unfortunate cases, after i get past the 0x7E bsod, when windows has booted and everything seems to work fine, after 30 seconds to 1 minute BOOM irql not less or equal out of nothing. Usually after that I just reboot one damn last time and then there's really no problems anymore, but I've got the feeling I've already risked too much, even because the PC is new, got in January, so i'm not trying by myself anymore and I'll just leave this here and see what happens :/

Intel i-5 4670
Nvidia GTX 970
Corsair DDR3, Dual Channel, 8gb (4*2)

and i don't really know what else i should write, I'm pretty sure specs are not just that but I don't know what is really important actually

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