All three dumps are of the same bug check, just with different first parameters.
This indicates that a severe memory management error occurred.
BugCheck 1A, {
403, fffff68000072f88, e9900000d05be867, fffff68000073f80}
- The 1st parameter of the bug check is
403 which indicates the page table and PFNs are out of sync . This is generally a hardware error.
BugCheck 1A, {
41790, fffffa8016570aa0, ffff, 0}
- The 1st parameter of the bug check is
41790 which indicates a page table page has been corrupted.
6: kd> dt nt!_MMPFN fffffa8016570aa0
+0x000 u1 : <unnamed-tag>
+0x008 u2 : <unnamed-tag>
+0x010 PteAddress : 0xfffff6fb`400000b8 _MMPTE
+0x010 VolatilePteAddress : 0xfffff6fb`400000b8 Void
+0x010 Lock : 0n1073742008
+0x010 PteLong : 0xfffff6fb`400000b8
+0x018 u3 : <unnamed-tag>
+0x01c UsedPageTableEntries : 0xffff
+0x01e VaType : 0 ''
+0x01f ViewCount : 0 ''
+0x020 OriginalPte : _MMPTE
+0x020 AweReferenceCount : 0n128
+0x028 u4 : <unnamed-tag>
^^ UPTE reference count has dropped below zero, usually occurs when driver(s) are causing corruption.
BugCheck 1A, {
3452, 60afe000, fffff700010872e8, 0}
- The 1st parameter of the bug check is
3452 which indicates an unknown memory management error occurred.
1. Remove and replace AVG with Microsoft Security Essentials for temporary troubleshooting purposes as it may be causing conflicts:
AVG removal - http://www.avg.com/us-en/utilities
MSE - Microsoft Security Essentials - Microsoft Windows
2. RTCore64.sys is listed and loaded which is RivaTuner/EVGA Precision/MSI Afterburner (known BSOD issues w/Win7). Please uninstall ASAP!
3. Uninstall Samsung RAPID Mode ASAP!
4. Ensure your BIOS is up to date.