bsod, had win 10 pro, after bsod win enterprise 10?


New member
Jan 27, 2021
I was operating Windows 10 Pro, and had a blue screen of death occur. After completing a reset my computer is running Windows Enterprise 10 and it won't accept my product key for the windows 10 Pro? Dunno much about all this, but am learning a lot.

  • A brief description of your problem (but you can also include the steps you tried)
  • System Manufacturer?
  • Laptop or Desktop?
  • Exact model number (if laptop, check label on bottom)
  • OS ? (Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista)
  • x86 (32bit) or x64 (64bit)?
  • (Only for xp, vista, 7) Service pack?
  • What was original installed OS on system?
  • Is the OS an OEM version (came pre-installed on system) or full retail version (YOU purchased it from retailer)?
  • Age of system? (hardware)
  • Age of OS installation?
  • Have you re-installed the OS?
  • CPU
  • RAM (brand, EXACT model, what slots are you using?)
  • Video Card
  • MotherBoard - (if NOT a laptop)
  • Power Supply - brand & wattage (if laptop, skip this one)
  • Is driver verifier enabled or disabled?
  • What security software are you using? (Firewall, antivirus, antimalware, antispyware, and so forth)
  • Are you using proxy, vpn, ipfilters or similar software?
  • Are you using Disk Image tools? (like daemon tools, alcohol 52% or 120%, virtual CloneDrive, roxio software)
  • Are you currently under/overclocking? Are there overclocking software installed on your system?
I was having problems for a couple months before the bsod, mostly network and sync issues. Now my operating system is not the same and I have no idea how something like that can even happen?
I'm running a Dell XPS 8700 Desktop
OS was Windows 10 Professional and is now running Windows 10 for enterprise
64 bit
My windows 7 drive which is protected by Bitlocker won't open after hours of entering my recovery key
I got the machine in march of 2020 after my father passed away and it had windows 10 pro running as the OS and Windows 7 on the D: drive.
I havent reinstalled any OS, but according to a system scan in October 2020 it says that win 10 pro was installed in Aug 2020?


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After completing a reset my computer is running Windows Enterprise 10 and it won't accept my product key for the windows 10 Pro?
Of course it won't, Enterprise and Professional are two different editions. I suggest installing the version which you have a valid and legal key for.
yes, I know they are two different editions, but my question is HOW did I go from running Window 10 pro to Enterprise....the only product key I have is for 10 Pro and now it will not accept that key.


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