BSOD every day


Sep 5, 2016
Virgo Supercluster
I have some troubles with BSOD every day and I don't know what to do. I also have problems with Windows update and sfc corruptions, already posted about it, but it doesn't have an answer yet and I don't know if these problems are related (they probably are).

  • Desktop
  • Windows 7 Professional x64 SP1
  • Original installation : Windows 7 Home x86
  • Age of installation: 2 years
  • Age of system: 6 years
  • CPU: Intel Core i3 530 @ 2.93GHz
  • Motherboard: Intel DH55TC
I tried the Sysnative BSOD dump but it gets stuck showing "Waiting for Systeminfo" and never ends. It creates a file with some info, that's what I zipped.
I hope someone can help me,


Hi qqq. :smile9:

You have got MB, cpu, chipset, NIC, and maybe other hardware by intel, but you don't have neither ONE intel path in your path environment variable...
Did you remove them recently?
I'd download and install all the latest (not the outdated) intel software that's present on your motherboard webpage (click) (I'd also save them for the future).
Or their current versions... By the way, I think some intel paths should be present in your path (env.var.).

If this won't help, try to remove daemon tools (make sure you remove it completely, especially the sptd.sys if its present).
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Hi qqq,

Please run the Sysnative collection app again AFTER the removal of Daemon tools so nobody won't accidentally mention a removal for this program twice.
The msinfo32.nfo file seems to be missing

it gets stuck showing "Waiting for Systeminfo" and never ends
This could be the msinfo32.nfo being generated, this part could take a few minutes because of all the information that is being collected.
Hi, thanks for answering me.

I uninstalled Daemon Tools and run the SysnativeFileCollectionApp, but it didn't finish. It kept "Waiting for Systeminfo" for 30 minutes, then I tried to run it in Safe Mode... same thing. I zipped and uploaded the file and a new perfmon.
I don't know about the Intel paths, I don't know how to remove them. I try to reinstall the latest software from the motherboard page, but I couldn't install all of it, some of it get stuck.

I ran the Driver verifier and nothing happened.
The HDD Diagnostics passed the test.
I ran Memtest86+ for 14 passes and showed no errors.


This new dump is almost incomprehensible for me, but I can see the same errors present in your cbs.log (in your other thread):

2: kd> .frame 0n0;dv /t /v
00 fffff880`08779b60 fffff880`012b7172 Ntfs!NtfsFindPrefixHashEntry+0x1fe
Unable to enumerate locals, HRESULT 0x80004005
From the cbs.log (after 2016-09-06 10:16:02):

Read More:
From those errors it seems (i.e., I'm guessing):
- your machine can't upload files; maybe have you set your windows firewall to block outgoing connections?
- you used a program to block GWX; get windows 10 is one of windows updates for windows 7...

You are using driver verifier, but we don't know what settings you are using.
Could you launch verifier /querysettings from a command prompt and post its result here?
And also explain what settings you are using...

Is device manager working?
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I guess my firewall is in normal settings since I don't use to change them. Should I return it to its default settings?
I didn't used a program (at least, consciously) to block GWX, I had the little annoying message to update to W10 but when I clicked download it stopped working. Now the message is gone.
Device Manager is working.
Here is the verifier /querysettings
C:\Windows\system32>verifier /querysettings
Bloque especial: Habilitado
Seguimiento de conjuntos: Habilitado
Forzar comprobación IRQL: Habilitado
Comprobación de E/S: Deshabilitado
Detección de bloqueo: Habilitado
Comprobación DMA: Deshabilitado
Comprobaciones de seguridad: Habilitado
Exigir las solicitudes de E/S pendientes: Deshabilitado
Simulación de recursos bajos: Deshabilitado
Registro IRP: Deshabilitado
Comprobaciones diversas: Habilitado

Controladores comprobados:

- UAC disabled
- security center doesn't see ms essentials: maybe it needs to be reinstalled...
- It seems VolumeDirty bit is set for your HDD: try to use chkdsk c: /f (from an elevated command prompt)
UAC is disabled.
I reinstall MS Essentials.
I used chkdsk and noticed some corrections. I uploaded the chkdsk report from the event viewer.
I had another computer freeze, after that I performed a new SURT, sfc, SFCFix, perform and SysnativeApp (didn't finish). I notice some changes in the CBS and SFCFix.


Well that's great!
I'd restart windows, re-try to run sfcfix (let it work) and re-restart windows, then export and upload the new cbs folder in your other thread, in windows update sub-forum.

For the bsod part, I'm not able to analyse the last dump... Maybe a bsod expert will check it later.
Hi qqq,

Please run MemTest86+ v5.01 for a minimum of 8 passes.
NOTE: 8GB takes about 8-10h to get to 8 passes. It is recommended to start the test before going to bed so it should be far over 8 passes when you wake up with 4GB.
Your verifier log shows dtlitescsibus.sys.
I think you can delete it without problems given that you uninstalled daemon tools.
(reset verifier, reboot, remove the daemon tools file, then if you still want to try verifier, re-enable it and reboot...)
I'm gonna copypaste what I wrote on my other post:

After doing another surt/sfc/sfcfix routine I ran ccleaner and then defraggler. When it was defragging suddenly I got the notification that I had pending updates, so I looked windows updates and had like 100 updates. I didn't downloaded because the same thing happened two years ago and when I clicked update all, my computer couldn't start, so this time I searched if there was really important update and found out that "KB3125574 Convenience rollup for W7 SP1" is important. That one wasn't on the list so I had to search it manually. I installed only that one and then I couldn't start my computer again, I only get BSODs. I did several CHKDSK / SFC / BOOTREC / Restore system and other repair options but no one could fix it, so I had to reinstall W7.

The first thing I did when I started windows was a SFC, and it had errors. SURT and SFCfix showed 1 error with a .dll but I could fix it by renaming the catroot2 folder. I could install KB3125574 manually but my main problem is still there, I can't run Windows Update with error C80003FA (I had a BSOD when I tried to update the first time).

Right now SURT and SFCfix shows no errors, but sfc still does.

The thing is I still had one BSOD after reinstalling and Sysnativeapp still didn't finish. So i'm uploading the zips to see if there is something I can fix.


Memory corruption.
I can't find an information about your memory sticks.
Could you provide manufacturer and model of your memory sticks?
And their disposition/collocation in the slots?
Could you also run the following (unique) command from an elevated command prompt and show the result of it?
It should find some intel paths (if they exist...), save them to your desktop inside intel paths.txt and open that file.

(setlocal & set intel="%userprofile%\desktop\intel paths.txt" & (dir "%programfiles% (x86)\intel\*.*" /ad /s /b & dir "%programfiles%\intel\*.*" /ad /s /b) |findstr /i /v /c:"unin" /c:"netc" /c:"ncs" /c:"dmix") > %intel% && notepad %intel%

I get:
Read More:
And my path (environment variable) contains:
C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL
C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT
C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL
C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT
C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\OpenCL SDK\2.0\bin\x86
C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\OpenCL SDK\2.0\bin\x64
(I'm using Win10 home x64)
Previous command creates an %intel% file without extension in c:\windows\system32.
Correct command:
(setlocal & set intel="%userprofile%\desktop\intel paths.txt" & (dir "%programfiles% (x86)\intel\*.*" /ad /s /b & dir "%programfiles%\intel\*.*" /ad /s /b) |findstr /i /v /c:"unin" /c:"netc" /c:"ncs" /c:"dmix") > %intel% & notepad %intel% & endlocal

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