BSOD during games and normal usage


New member
Aug 9, 2016
Experiencing freezes and a bsod when playing games and normal usage

OS - Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7 or Vista?
· x86 (32-bit) or x64 ? x64bit ·
What was the original installed OS on sthe ystem?
Windows 10 ·
Is the OS an OEM version (came pre-installed on system) or full retail version (YOU purchased it from retailer)?
Full retail version
· Approximate age of system (hardware) 8 months ·
Approximate age of OS installation (if you know)
1 month
·Have you re-installed the OS? yes ·
:i5 6400 ·
Video Card
:zotac 960 ·
Gigabyte h170 D3h ·
Power Supply : seasonic
s12 620w


Hi xmage,

The sole minidump file isn't terribly helpful, but it does provide a jumping off point: the given process name is "GameOverlayUI'. If you have NVidia Shadowplay, Plays.TV, Discord, Raptr, etc, running with an overlay, try disabling it and see if you encounter the same issue.

It also looks like your CPU is overclocked, and the BSoD that is listed is a 0x101, which is commonly caused by overclocking.

[Processor Information (Type 4) - Length 48 - Handle 0041h]
  Socket Designation            U3E1
  Processor Type                Central Processor
  Processor Family              cdh - Specification Reserved
  Processor Manufacturer        Intel(R) Corporation
  Processor ID                  e3060500fffbebbf
  Processor Version             Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6400 CPU @ 2.70GHz
  Processor Voltage             8bh - 1.1V
  External Clock                100MHz
  Max Speed                     2700MHz
  Current Speed                 3100MHz
  Status                        Enabled Populated
  Processor Upgrade             Other
  L1 Cache Handle               003eh
  L2 Cache Handle               003fh
  L3 Cache Handle               0040h

You likely need to increase the VCORE (CPU voltage), but for the purposes of troubleshooting, return to the intended clock speed of 2.7GHz.
Hi xmage,

The sole minidump file isn't terribly helpful, but it does provide a jumping off point: the given process name is "GameOverlayUI'. If you have NVidia Shadowplay, Plays.TV, Discord, Raptr, etc, running with an overlay, try disabling it and see if you encounter the same issue.

It also looks like your CPU is overclocked, and the BSoD that is listed is a 0x101, which is commonly caused by overclocking.

[Processor Information (Type 4) - Length 48 - Handle 0041h]
  Socket Designation            U3E1
  Processor Type                Central Processor
  Processor Family              cdh - Specification Reserved
  Processor Manufacturer        Intel(R) Corporation
  Processor ID                  e3060500fffbebbf
  Processor Version             Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6400 CPU @ 2.70GHz
  Processor Voltage             8bh - 1.1V
  External Clock                100MHz
  Max Speed                     2700MHz
  Current Speed                 3100MHz
  Status                        Enabled Populated
  Processor Upgrade             Other
  L1 Cache Handle               003eh
  L2 Cache Handle               003fh
  L3 Cache Handle               0040h

You likely need to increase the VCORE (CPU voltage), but for the purposes of troubleshooting, return to the intended clock speed of 2.7GHz.

Hi thanks for the reply

I try looking for the program conflict with the gameoverlayui and disable

I did not overclock the processor as this is a non k cpu and the h170 chipset does not suppport overclocking
Whoops, that's my mistake. I saw 3100MHz and assumed it was a K-series, should have double checked first.
Whoops, that's my mistake. I saw 3100MHz and assumed it was a K-series, should have double checked first.

Is ok=) i have just reformatted the pc again to monitor and see how it goes.

Could it be cause by a faulty processor?
It is possible for a 0x101 to represent a processor defect, but it's pretty rare. A single minidump definitely is not enough for me to even suggest hardware failure normally, as it could be a complete anomaly. We'll see how things go now that you've formatted your PC, hopefully that resolves the issue for you!
To debug a CLOCK_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT bugcheck, we'll need a kernel memory dump as a start. Given that the processor(s) which doesn't respond is not the same one which called KeBugCheckEx (This processor state is the one recorded in a minidump), it's pretty much impossible to find any kind of lead.

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