BSOD, Crashes, Kernel Debugging - Windows 7 x86


New member
Nov 29, 2014
Im new to this forum but have found sysnative to be the most informative, user friendly site on the net, I am a self confessed computer junkie but my knowledge is limited to trial and error, but enough to know that my "over -tweaking" and "obsessive software installs/uninstalls" have fried my OS a few times, this time I think I've gone too far, I've changed user profiles, permissions computer name etc. so many times I don't know where to start. I think the final straw was 2 days ago when once again I tried to merge two user accounts and was trouble shooting Windows update errors, I did every tweak ran every tool downloaded every fixit I could find and finally found the problem, I already had Service pack 1 for my widows 7 Ultimate installed on windows update but it wasn't showing as installed on my windows version, I tried to uninstall the sp1 and reboot and that's when it crashed, doesn't end there I made things worse by trying to use reg back up from " - Windows Repair (All in One" which seemed to worked in terms of rebooting and led me to this site after reading this thread basically the thread comments on all the errors and issues I was experiencing, so now Im hoping I haven't done too much damage and that you can help me in very simple basic "idiots guide to save m laptop one on one" steps PLEASE!!!!!!!!!:confused2::banghead:


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