Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) Bugcheck Error Codes
This is a listing of Windbg BSOD Bugcheck Error Codes for all Windows systems through Windows 10. Although not denoted, Microsoft has added new bugchecks with the introduction of each new version of Windows. Each new version of Windows has brought new bugchecks in Microsoft's continuing effort to help end-users debug the infamous Windows Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) kernel memory dumps by providing as much detailed information as possible. A single bugcheck from the days of XP may very well be represented today by five (5) or ten (10) different bugchecks that further hints at the actual probable cause of the crash.
Please always remember during your Windbg debug processing sessions that the best we can say is "Probably Caused By" and never "Actually Caused By"
Bug Check Code Reference - Windows drivers