
Aug 20, 2016
Hello everyone. I have been plagued with BSOD ever since I started playing GTA online. I first was getting hal.dll related errors (which I believe I fixed when I updated my MOBO chipset drivers), then started sgetting dxgkrnl.sys related BSOD and now I finally am getting Ntfs.sys related BSOD. I am convinced these are all related somehow, because why would I all of a sudden be getting 3 different BSOD errors. I reinstalled both Windows and GTAV and still got the same errors. I have ran memtest and FurMakr without any errors, so I don't believe the issue with my GPU or RAM.

Side note, my computer is also freezing everytime I attempt to attach a zip file, but there's nothing in event viewer or blue screen view to indicate why. I had to post this on an alternate PC.

CPU temp - 40-50 under load
GPU temp - 55-60 under load

OS: Windows 7 x64 Professional
GPU: Nvidia GTX 1080
MOB: Asus M5A97 LE R.2.0
PSU: Corsair RM750i

Any Help will be appreciated.


Hi fudome. :welcome:

It seems you already updated the BIOS.

From the RAM log, I can see the sticks are in DIMM1 and DIMM3, your manual shows they should be in DIMM_A2 and DIMM_B2 (the BLUE slots), i.e. the recommended configuration.
Hence I can't understand if they are in those slots: are they in the BLUE slots?

Did you already try to remove dust from fans and air slits (and in the PC, in general)?
Did you check if fans are working well?
And re-applied the thermal past/compound on the cpu?
Are you over/under-clocking currently? Or did you do in past? Have you installed programs to over/under-clock automatically (asus suites included)? And what programs?
Did you try to reset the BIOS to its default settings?
What anti-virus/anti-all suites and what firewall are you using?
Are you using special software? (proxy, vpn, ipfilters or similar; disk Image tools: daemon tools, alcohol 52% or 120%, virtual CloneDrive, roxio software, and so forth)
Did you check your temperatures and voltages on BIOS - monitor after the BSOD happened?
Hi fudome,

Please make sure that you visit Windows Update in the control panel and install all available updates.
As BSOD Kernel Dump Expert usasma says, for example in this thread, 'It only takes one update to cause a problem'.
Most other users have a few hundred hotfix updates installed.
Hotfix(s):                 9 Hotfix(s) Installed.
It may be that your previous installation, but we need the current installation up to date :)

From the RAM log, I can see the sticks are in DIMM1 and DIMM3, your manual shows they should be in DIMM_A2 and DIMM_B2 (the BLUE slots), i.e. the recommended configuration.
Hence I can't understand if they are in those slots: are they in the BLUE slots?
It is a mixed memory setup problem, @fudome please remove the A-DATA memory stick and seat the Corsair sticks properly.
[Memory Device (Type 17) - Length 34 - Handle 002eh]
  Physical Memory Array Handle  002ah
  Memory Error Info Handle      [Not Provided]
  Total Width                   64 bits
  Data Width                    64 bits
  Size                          2048MB
  Form Factor                   09h - DIMM
  Device Set                    [None]
  Device Locator                DIMM1
  Bank Locator                  BANK1
  Memory Type                   18h - Specification Reserved
  Type Detail                   4080h - Synchronous
  Speed                         1066MHz
  Manufacturer                  [COLOR=#ff0000]A-DATA[/COLOR]       
  Serial Number                        
  Asset Tag Number                          
  Part Number                                     
[Memory Device (Type 17) - Length 34 - Handle 0030h]
  Physical Memory Array Handle  002ah
  Memory Error Info Handle      [Not Provided]
  Total Width                   64 bits
  Data Width                    64 bits
  Size                          4096MB
  Form Factor                   09h - DIMM
  Device Set                    [None]
  Device Locator                DIMM2
  Bank Locator                  BANK2
  Memory Type                   18h - Specification Reserved
  Type Detail                   4080h - Synchronous
  Speed                         1066MHz
  Manufacturer                  [COLOR=#ff0000]Corsair      [/COLOR]
  Serial Number                        
  Asset Tag Number                          
  Part Number                   CMZ8GX3M2A1600C9  
[Memory Device (Type 17) - Length 34 - Handle 0032h]
  Physical Memory Array Handle  002ah
  Memory Error Info Handle      [Not Provided]
  Total Width                   64 bits
  Data Width                    64 bits
  Size                          4096MB
  Form Factor                   09h - DIMM
  Device Set                    [None]
  Device Locator                DIMM3
  Bank Locator                  BANK3
  Memory Type                   18h - Specification Reserved
  Type Detail                   4080h - Synchronous
  Speed                         1066MHz
  Manufacturer                  [COLOR=#ff0000]Corsair      [/COLOR]
  Serial Number                        
  Asset Tag Number                          
  Part Number                   CMZ8GX3M2A1600C9
That's interesting: adata memory stick isn't shown in the ram log... And msinfo32 shows there are 8GB installed (instead of 12 with adata).
Last edited:
My ram was not seated properly and was fixed. I am unable to update windows because it gets stuck on checking for updates. I have tried forcing it off via Command Prompt and resetting the update log history, but it still gets stuck on checking for windows update. The last time it was checked was 8/18.

I haven't experienced any BSOD since I re seated the RAM, but I do have random computer freezing while using web browsers (Both chrome and Firefox). there is nothing in the event log nor bluescreenviewer to indicate a crash either.

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