BSOD at boot (0xC0000135) - How to collect BSOD data if system can't boot into GUI?


Oct 8, 2020
My laptop has crashed and won't boot without bootable USB. Tried all the options - DISM, SFC, BCDBoot, BCDEdit, BootRec but didn't work.
I tried the BSOD Data collection tool from command prompt after booting from a bootable USB created using MCT. But it won't run in PE environment.

In this situation, how do I go ahead with collection of data for submission in this scenario?
Check the following directory path for any dump files and then attach them as a zipped folder:

Thanks @x BlueRobot for your response.
There was no file in %systemroot%\Minidump but found dump in the root folder of Windows installation drive. Attaching the same along with some other files I thought relevant.


How? You haven't had any BSODs. I would suggest simply clean installing Windows again as the others have suggested in your original thread.
I need to keep my user accounts, their user data/profiles etc.
Besides, I do get the BSOD during boot time itself with the stop code 0xC0000135. That's why I created this thread in the BSOD section.
My previous post has the dump....
Thanks @x BlueRobot for your response.
There was no file in %systemroot%\Minidump but found dump in the root folder of Windows installation drive. Attaching the same along with some other files I thought relevant.
Thanks @x BlueRobot for your response.
There was no file in %systemroot%\Minidump but found dump in the root folder of Windows installation drive. Attaching the same along with some other files I thought relevant.

That's not a stop code, that's a NTSTATUS code.

There's no dump files in that folder, just a .dat file and .tmp file named "DUMP4074".
Ohh.... I got confused due to its name... here is what I get during boot... looks very similar to BSOD


How to proceed with analysis of the same?
Would a reset save files equivalent be a viable fix?

This would require the reinstallation of drivers and applications.
Things like the registry entries, system settings, (user principals?), credentials ... and much more, I believe
Thanks @x BlueRobot for your response.
There was no file in %systemroot%\Minidump but found dump in the root folder of Windows installation drive. Attaching the same along with some other files I thought relevant.
Unfortunately, neither are useful. Bootstat.dat is a log file Windows uses to keep track of whether the last boot was successful. The TMP file is a temporary file, a space filler for a to become dump file, indicating the process of creating a dump file could not finish. It really needs to be a file with a .dmp extension for it to be useful.
Load the hive system.
Then launch the following command from an elevated command prompt, zip the file you'll find on your desktop and upload it here.
reg query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services /s /t reg_dword /v start > "%userprofile%\desktop\services-start-values.txt"

NB: You have to change "system" with the name you gave to your loaded system hive.
Load the hive system.
Then launch the following command from an elevated command prompt, zip the file you'll find on your desktop and upload it here.
reg query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services /s /t reg_dword /v start > "%userprofile%\desktop\services-start-values.txt"

NB: You have to change "system" with the name you gave to your loaded system hive.
Here is the file:


The dism log in your other thread shows kernel32.dll, atl.dll and other dlls as corrupted.
But the copies of those files are not present in the indicated folders.
Read More:

I think the guys in the windows update forum could help you to replace those files; therefore, my advice is to open a new thread there.

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