BSOD 5-6 times a few days ago, not since; CPU Fan has been running full but temp normal


Well-known member
Oct 20, 2018

I'd hugely appreciate any help in nailing down the cause of this problem, and maybe how I might solve it.

* Since about a week ago, the laptop starts up normally (CPU fan runs medium high); then after a couple of minutes, the graphics card fan starts up, and seems to cause a brief power drop. All internet, video, screen display, everything seems to freeze during the pauses. (I was monitoring internet traffic and it fell; etc.)

* after the apparent (?) power drop, the CPU fan runs on very high without stopping. Thereafter, every few minutes (varies from 2 to 15 mins) the cycle repeats: graphics card fan starts up, and seems to cause a brief power drop, brief silence, the CPU starts up again completely full (and noisy!).

* Core Temp v1.17.1 says CPU temp is steady at 45-65 degrees C.

* About 4 days ago I had about 5-6 BSODs but these haven't reappeared. I've run the Sysnative BSOD data collection app and attached the results. The error msg said: Video memory management internal error.

* In the event viewer, there is a recurring problem event:

A problem with your hardware caused Windows to stop working correctly.

Problem signature
Problem Event Name: LiveKernelEvent
Code: 15e
Parameter 1: 30
Parameter 2: ffff888220af81a0
Parameter 3: ffff888214947060
Parameter 4: 0
OS version: 10_0_19044
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 256_1
OS Version: 10.0.19044.
Locale ID: 2057

* I've run DISM and sfc. Did not help.

Here are the details about my laptop:

Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4710MQ CPU @ 2.50GHz 2.50 GHz
Installed RAM 16.0 GB (15.9 GB usable)
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display

Edition Windows 10 Pro
Version 21H2
Installed on ‎08/‎10/‎2020
OS build 19044.1706
Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.4170.0

What was original installed OS on system?
Win 8.1

Is the OS an OEM version (came pre-installed on system) or full retail version (YOU purchased it from retailer)?

Age of system? (hardware)

Age of OS installation?
Installed on ‎08/‎10/‎2020

Have you re-installed the OS?

RAM (brand, EXACT model, what slots are you using?)

Video Card
Nvidia GeForce 880M with 8GB GDDR5

Is driver verifier enabled or disabled?

What security software are you using? (Firewall, antivirus, antimalware, antispyware, and so forth)
Bitdefender antivirus

Are you using proxy, vpn, ipfilters or similar software?
Occasionally vpn.

Are you using Disk Image tools? (like daemon tools, alcohol 52% or 120%, virtual CloneDrive, roxio software)

Are you currently under/overclocking? Are there overclocking software installed on your system?


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