Trojan.BPlug.1074 is the name of a recently discovered trojan that hides in Chrome extensions and will spam your Facebook friends with links to malicious websites.
BPlug was first seen a week ago, as part of a Google Chrome extension's JavaScript files. Once users install the Chrome extension in their browser, it would wait for the victim to visit Facebook.
Here, the trojan would retrieve the user's UID (user identifier) and their CSRF token. These details are then used to perform actions on Facebook on the user's behalf.
BPlug spams your friends via user groups and Facebook mention
BPlug will hide some of the user's top-right menu options, preventing them from accessing the logout menu, but it will also create a randomly named group in the user's name.
In this group, the trojan will then share a link at various intervals and start mentioning random friend names from your contact list.