Booting issues and file corruption in Windows 8.1, need help


New member
Aug 4, 2014
Hi guys,

Ok so the situation is complicated, after an update to 8.1 that went without problems things started to go downhill from there. First came a couple of BSODs of the irql not less equal but those were solved by updating the graphic drivers so no biggie, the problem is what came after that.

After a few hard crashes booting became random as in that sometimes it booted and other times not, with the BIOS lenovo logo staying there and the dot-circle loading animation never showing up. Sleep, hibernate, restart and shutdown nothing of that works, it just crashes and reboots. Automatic repair as always was useless and I had to use the command line just to be able to get windows to boot at all, but these issues are still there.

When it does boot into windows it works ok, there are no slowdowns except during login.

No I'm having networking issues with the connection droping every 5 minutes (all my other machines are ok so its definitely no my router). On top of that windows update shows errors and can't install the latests updates.

After running scannow it came up with some errors which it can't repair, I uploaded the CBS log here: (sorry its over the forum's limit)

The machine is a Lenovo Y510P, it came with a 1TB HDD and a 20GB SSD as a buffer, though I'm not sure since neither device manager or speccy detects it.

If anyone can give me a hand I would appreciate it.
I just did a dism restorehealth and it failed, got back error 0x800f0906

I found a solution by resetting windows update but it didn't do anything.

Any ideas on how to fix it?

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