BlueRobot where are you?


Active member
Aug 12, 2021
You haven't helped anyone here in a week. We're not made of stone. Someone tell us something
x BlueRobot hasn't been online in the past week so he could not have posted anything.

While we understand you want your problems solved as fast as possible, we cannot and will not force anyone to come online to continue assistance because someone asked them to.

Please do not make any more threads asking about x BlueRobot, it's no use.
sorry but it would not be more correct to divide you the works of BlueRobot?
If you mean to suggest that I take over what x BlueRobot started, I don't intend to since I don't have time.
Riccardo12. Please understand staff members are volunteers, not paid employees. They give freely of their time when it's available, but they too have lives to live.
It is not unusual for users to be waiting for several days before someone responds in the Windows Update forum. It's however unusual for a staff member to "disappear" without prior notice, but not impossible either because the site is 100% run by volunteers. We cannot guarantee everyone receives the help needed despite the efforts the volunteers put in.

Unfortunately, very few users are allowed to post in the Windows Update forum as a helper because it requires training to proficiently assist those with Windows Update problems. This is to keep the quality in help up without causing anyone trouble due to bogus advice.

I will ask others if they have time to step in, but I cannot promise any results since there is quite a backlog and every day new threads are created in the Windows Update forum.
Just to give an update, I have requested others to have a look at your other thread but as mentioned before there is no guarantee someone will continue.

Regarding whether you were insolent or not, I assume you have intended your post to come across as insolent. If that was your intention, how I see it the tone in your posts got lost in translation most of the time.

I mean, you might have been a little insolent considering the two threads you made to find out about where x BlueRobot went, but so long as you do what I have mentioned in this thread no harm done in my eyes.

For the future, please do not make a new thread anywhere on the internet just to state that someone hasn't replied to your thread for some time. That can come across as attention seeking and is not only rude but could also put you in a bad daylight which you don't want. As mentioned before, everyone is a volunteer providing support just because. Repay it by being friendly to those assisting you. Everyone understands the frustration someone may feel when they are not getting the attention needed to solve a problem that has been going on for some time, I had that feeling too looking back at the many times when I had problems. Being rude is not helping anyone and could potentially just delay someone posting that solution solving the problem.
riccardo 12: Rather than start a new thread, if you don't get a response after say 2 days merely post the word BUMP which then moves the post or thread into

Latest posts which gets renewed attention.


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