Verifier Flags: 0x0002892b
Standard Flags:
[X] 0x00000001 Special pool.
[X] 0x00000002 Force IRQL checking.
[X] 0x00000008 Pool tracking.
[ ] 0x00000010 I/O verification.
[X] 0x00000020 Deadlock detection.
[ ] 0x00000080 DMA checking.
[X] 0x00000100 Security checks.
[X] 0x00000800 Miscellaneous checks.
[X] 0x00020000 DDI compliance checking.
Additional Flags:
[ ] 0x00000004 Randomized low resources simulation.
[ ] 0x00000200 Force pending I/O requests.
[ ] 0x00000400 IRP logging.
[ ] 0x00002000 Invariant MDL checking for stack.
[ ] 0x00004000 Invariant MDL checking for driver.
[X] 0x00008000 Power framework delay fuzzing.
[ ] 0x00010000 Port/miniport interface checking.
[ ] 0x00040000 Systematic low resources simulation.
[ ] 0x00080000 DDI compliance checking (additional).
[ ] 0x00200000 NDIS/WIFI verification.
[ ] 0x00800000 Kernel synchronization delay fuzzing.
[ ] 0x01000000 VM switch verification.
[ ] 0x02000000 Code integrity checks.
[X] Indicates flag is enabled.
Boot Mode:
All rules are using default settings
wdm: rules.default
Verified Drivers:
More data is available.
The system reboot is required for the changes to take effect.