Hi ; Sorry in the advance cause i have bad english
If someone can halp me please
Before arronde 10mn i updated my antivirus programme avast premium then i got a blue screen:lolg: and my pc restart ; Then when windows is started and avast start too ;the blue screen become and my pc restart.then............I am tired:banghead:
SFCFix.rar and CBS.rar are attached to this thread.
Thank you all to help
If someone can halp me please
Before arronde 10mn i updated my antivirus programme avast premium then i got a blue screen:lolg: and my pc restart ; Then when windows is started and avast start too ;the blue screen become and my pc restart.then............I am tired:banghead:
SFCFix.rar and CBS.rar are attached to this thread.
Thank you all to help