Hi again
"Feeling nearly faded as my jeans ..."
I've just had another cup of coffee, so I can type another post! bobby - you can use the AutoLogon applet from SysInternals on this newer computer if you'd like. That way you still have a password (so that any online exploits would still have to vault that hurdle) but your password is entered automatically at system power up. It would bypass the "lock screen"/"login screen" steps (and you might want to turn off "require a password" for your computer when "waking from sleep").
Here's the link to the Microsoft/SysInternals "Autologon" utility:
Oh, and have a look to see if "fast startup" is enabled or disabled (you want it enabled):
To Enable Fast Startup in Windows 10
Right-click the
Windows 10 Start menu
2) Select
Power Options.
3) Select
Choose what the power buttons do.
4) Select
Change settings that are currently unavailable.
5) Scroll down to
Shutdown settings &
place a checkmark in the option box
Turn on fast startup.
6) Select
Save changes to save and exit.
To disable fast startup, follow the same steps, but remove the checkmark (in step 5).
Guess what ... I found my step-by-step sleep/wake/password setting instructions! Here they are:
Four step process to have Windows 10 automatically enter user password at startup, and to not require passwords after "waking" from "screen-saver","sleep", or "hibernation".
1 -
Instructions for the AutoLogon utility:
---a) Download the program from Microsoft/SysInternals -- Autologon
---b) You will see a file "
AutoLogon.zip" in your
Downloads folder
Right-click the "
AutoLogons.zip" file, and select "
Extract All"
---d) In the pop-up window, select "Extract"
Double-click on
Autologon.exe to start the program
---f) Enter the
Username for your account in the Username box
---g) Enter the
password in the Password box
---h) Click on
---i) You can now exit the program.
2 -
Screen Saver (Power Options):
Right-click the
Windows Start Menu icon
...b) Select
Power Options
...c) Select
Require a password on wakeup
...d) Select
Change settings that are currently unavailable
...e) Select
Don't require a password (in the Password Protection on Wakeup section)
...f) Select
Save Changes
3 -
Screen Saver (Personalization)
Right-click the
Windows Start Menu icon
...b) Select
Control Panel
...c) Select
...d) Select
Screen Saver (it's on the lower right corner)
...e) If there is a
check mark in the option box in front of "
on resume, display logon screen" -
remove that check mark by clicking on it.
...f) Select
4 -
Account (Sign-in Options)
...a) Click on the
Windows Start Menu icon
...b) Select
...c) Select
...e) Select
...f) In the drop-down menu under
Require sign-in, select
Hopefully this will alleviate some of the slow startup blues (though they might make for a decent harmonica/guitar song)....