Basic System Internal PC Clean-up

Author: xilolee - Sysnative Global Moderator

Internal PC Cleanup

To clean the interior of your machine and its components (short list... If you need more information, google is your friend):
  • If you're not handy when handling electrical components, take it to a friend of yours who is or bring your machine to a Computer Repair Workshop (they won't do it for free, as you know...).
  • If you have a laptop: it could be difficult to open it. See previous point.
  • Unplug the machine from the mains (and remove the battery from the laptop).
  • "Touch bare metal of the case interior before reaching in" (I quoted Digerati, given that his English is better than mine :smile9:).
  • "Never, as in NEVER EVER, touch the electrical contacts of the RAM sticks" or every other contacts (I quoted Digerati).
  • You can use brushes, hair dryers, Compressed Air Dusters, to remove the dust (gently and carefully). It seems vacuum cleaners shouldn't be used because they could damage the electronic parts.
  • You shouldn't spin too much the fans: keep them blocked.
  • Check How to Remove & Apply Thermal Paste on CPU - YouTube (click) about thermal paste or thermal compound.
    But be careful: there's the risk to bend the cpu socket pins.
  • Don't open the PSU! Death danger!
    Don't try to open the PSU (power supply unit) to clean it: it could be dangerous given that capacitors, inside it, still hold voltage (aka potential difference, electric tension).
    Thegnomesdidit said (here (click)): "a lot of PSU's i've taken apart in the past few years have a drain resistor wired in parallel to the capacitors that discharges them to safe levels within a few minutes. I would advise however, that whenever you open up any equipment that is mains powered, you assume the capacitors hold a charge".
    Hence, be always very careful with it, if you open it.

From: windows 10 stuttering and crashing
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