the subject server is 3 or 4 years old, and isn't under a lot of memory, cpu or hd load.
4 months ago, i added a second 4 port fax card to the subject machine.
it's run fine since.
yesterday, i discovered all the fax processes i monitor, stopped.
when i looked, the machine was hung. i restarted it.
this morning, i discovered the glorious blue screen of death:
stop: 0x00000019
(0x00000020, 0xe29fde20, 0xe29fde88, 0x0c0d080d)
a cold reboot lets the machine run for 5 or 10 minutes, then it crashes.
here's another one, just now
stop: 0x00000019
(0x00000020, 0xe29c5e48, 0xe29c5eb0, 0x0c0d0213)
any input would be greatly appreciated!