I have yet to ever clone/ image back-ups. <20 min fresh install via USB stick does it for me.
On OEM systems, does the image include the recovery partition too?
Hm. Does the image include the recovery partition too? I was wondering that myself. Is it an image of the whole HD or just the C:\drive. What about the D:\ drive which is the recovery partition!?!?! What exactly is included in the image!?!?!
If you clone the "drive", you're cloning the whole drive which would include the D:\ drive. Right?
I created the repair disc yesterday on my Win7 HP prior to finding the instructions in the link in my first post. What would I look for to find out if the recovery partition was included? Is this just the repair tools as pointed out by Ztruker above? I think it's just that, the system files needed for repairing windows.
Now here's where another daft question comes into play.
Oh this is so embarrassing but I have to ask, is what was burned to the disc an image? Mirrored image keeps coming to mind, meaning as the system is at that time and not how it would appear if you accessed the recovery partition to restore to factory condition. To me the term clone would be as is at ths moment in time.
I have created many disc's in my limited years of experience with Windows, as opposed to everyone's experience who has been gracious enough to share their knowledge in this thread for my desire to learn more.
From my experience with OEM's:
My Gateway Recovery disks had the Recovery Partition included on the disc's that came with the laptop and on the disc they sent me via mail when I requested them.
I created the Recovery Disc's on my son's ASUS from the Recovery Manager and when we used those to re-install after a ZA infection that Corrine helped to annihilate (more to that story than I'm sharing) the recovery partition was included when we used the disc's and I was still able to create a second set of disc's after the disc's were used to restore the system.
On my HP, I do have the disc's that the original owner had created though I never took the time to try them to see if the recovery partition is included. I'm sure it is.
Thank you NoelDP, I think you hit the nail on the head when you stated:
" if you can get the recovery disk creation routine to start at all"