Audio Crackling


Nov 11, 2014
I have sound crackling when I watch flash videos or audio. I have Windows 8.1 64 bits so I tried to run Windows Performance Analyzer but the version has changed and the commands too.
So I installed LatencyMon and I could have some informations.
The problem is that the top drivers that could cause latency are usbport and ndis. So I can't update them.
Could you help me if for instance I give you the log of LatencyMon (or other stuff)?

Based on your dxdiag, I can see two drivers that need to be updated. Since you are having sound problems I will start with the sound driver and work from there.

Your realtek driver is out of date, and there is a newer version: RTKVHD64.sys - Driver Update Site: Realtek
Your video card driver is out of date and there is newer version, you can find the new version here Download Drivers

Lets start there and see if that helps at all.
I've already the latest version of realtek high definition audio driver (R 2.75).
And I already tried to update the amd display driver but it slows down my web browsing so I came back to the HP driver (I have a HP laptop).

But yesterday I added a parameter in Windows command prompt : bcdedit /set useplatformclock true
And the audio crackling has disappeared since that. I simply hope that that command won't create other issues sooner or later.
...But yesterday I added a parameter in Windows command prompt : bcdedit /set useplatformclock true
And the audio crackling has disappeared since that....

Just curious as to where you learned of the command, please.

From MSDN:
BCDEdit /set
useplatformclock [ yes | no ]

Forces the use of the platform clock as the system's performance counter.

Note This option should only be used for debugging

I'm not sure how or why it would affect audio.

Regards. . .

the useplatformclock parameter seems to reduce dpc latency. In fact I still have audio crackling but clearly less frequently.

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